The War Of Gog And Magog, Part 12

294.2Two Versions of Waging War

Comment: Baal HaSulam writes that there are two versions of waging war against egoism: either it will take place at the level of thoughts, clarification within each person, or if we do not do this, it can somehow manifest itself on the corporeal level.

My Response: Then it will manifest itself much worse to shake us up and make it clear that we must begin to get closer to each other.

Comment: Indeed, Baal HaSulam writes that there could be a third or fourth world war.

My Response: But everything can run in a gentle and short manner. This is the problem. If there is a force called Israel (straight to the Creator), then it is said that Israel shortens the time of correction. This is what we are trying to do within our organization, with all the people in the world.

Question: What does it mean to fight your ego? And what kind of egoism to actually fight?

Answer: With the one that is directed against the other.

Question: Is it precisely this narrow egoism that is against connection with other people?

Answer: Yes. Only connection with others is what we must accept as the only direction of our development.

Israel, the Jews, must prove themselves in this. That is why they are so selfish. But if they do this, they will be able to lead the whole world with them.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/30/21

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