What Did 2020 Want To Tell Us?

963.6Comment: The well-known and respected Time magazine dedicated a cover to 2020 and called it “The Worst Year Ever.”

The cover displayed the number “2020” in black with a huge “X”  drawn in red marker crossing it out to illustrate the feature story “2020 The Worst Year Ever.”   In it, the author wrote: “The rest of us have had no training wheels for this–for the recurrence of natural disasters that confirm just how much we have betrayed nature; for an election contested on the basis of fantasy; for a virus that originated, possibly, with a bat only to upend the lives of virtually everyone on the planet and end the lives of roughly 1.5 million people around the world.”

In other words, let’s cross out this year, exclude it from the history of mankind, this worst year ever.

My Response: 🙂 People do not understand. They do not understand that it is nature that plays with man, but man plays the trumpet.

Comment: This year has fallen on us heavily…the virus!

My Response: The Coronavirus, nature reacts to our interference with it, which is simply no longer acceptable

Question: So we messed it up so much that it now…?

Answer: Of course! We are in a huge, closed system of nature. Scientists talk about it. Time magazine reports that this year has been so bad. The magazine has to sell, I understand. But in fact, this is not how it should be presented to humanity.

We must seriously explain to people where we are, in what kind of system, a closed system of nature! These are laws! If we break them even by one iota, they give a reaction.

Comment: But nobody told me this is a law.

My Response: Go back to school and learn. Create other subjects in school so that you are not taught any “isms” but taught seriously—biology, zoology, botany, natural science, physics, chemistry, and so on—so that it will be explained that we exist in a system in which everything is very clearly and rigidly connected.

The fact that Time magazine is outraged, just shows that there are idiots sitting there. I am completely serious. Why can’t they open this magazine for educational purposes: “Guys, we are here…you know, we were lost.”

Comment: Let’s look at this year. Let’s not cross it out. I have a feeling that this for you is the best year in the history of mankind.

My Response: A wonderful year! This is the year of change! This is the first year in which nature shows us in a more open way than before how it reacts to our impossible-to-endure-further distortions in its system.

Question: Would you put another article there?

Answer: Of course! They do not understand that their task is to teach people how to react correctly and change humanity.

I would say this about the outcome of this year: in all the billions of years of the universe and millions of years of humanity, there has never been a better year than the last year that is ending.

This is the first year when the Creator shows Himself to us more clearly. The Creator means nature, the system of nature. When it shows itself more clearly and says: “My children, if you continue to behave like this, I will have to teach you like a loving mother who has no other choice. I will punish you, beat you, and at the same time help you, show you what to do and how to do it.

But I have no other choice because you do not perceive it in a good way. Why? Well, look at what you write back to me. Your representative, the media, look at what they are doing, how they express my attitude—the attitude of nature!” I speak on behalf of nature.

My attitude to humanity, to you, to everyone. Look how they say we are not happy with nature, that what it has been doing to us lately is the worst thing that could have happened to us. Is this called a loving mother? It is like a child stomping his feet and yelling: “Bad mom!”

And nature has no other choice. It has only one condition: to lead us to the best result. Like a mother. She wants the child to succeed in his life. She will have to somehow push him, help him, and, at the same, time twist him and try to get him into this system, into this format from which he will get the best result.

We must sympathize with nature, the Creator, what a hard job He has with such children!
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/10/20

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