The Master Loves His Work

528.03We need to reach such an atmosphere in the ten that we enjoy the work against our egoistic desires as a special art. A true master loves his work no matter with what material he works, whether it is wood or metal. He enjoys when he creates.

Cooking dinner can be an art, it all depends on the desire of the person involved in the work. We need to make sure that we begin to enjoy the spiritual work and that it does not cause us suffering. We need to enjoy the resistance of the egoism and we must overcome it.

After all, every moment when I overcome my egoism, I feel that I am a craftsman in the process of creation and can be a partner of the Creator, turn egoism into bestowal, and rise above it. By doing so, I bring contentment to the Creator.

Rising above egoism is an art, and I feel like a master equal to the Creator because I try to be His assistant. I move from the side of my egoism to the side of the Creator and work on myself, on the material embedded in me, so that together with the Creator I can sculpt myself into a man, Adam.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/10/21, “Chapter Shemot

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