Each With His Own Truth

261Comment: It has been said that lies are in the foundation of creation, in our desire to receive.

My Response: Sure. If I think about being happy, I have only one goal in mind. I don’t care if it’s true or false, it’s important that I feel good. I have a completely different orientation, a completely different attitude. And so in this state, everyone is with their own truth, and everyone seems to be right.

If we try to figure out what is more important to each and every one, then everyone will have something different.

Comment: Indeed, for some, freedom is more important, for others, equality. Therefore, it turns out that there are right and left in the world.

My Response: And the most important thing is that they do not understand each other. They don’t understand that there is something in common. They don’t want to come to this common ground.

Question: What does Kabbalah say? Is there something in the middle?

Answer: There is an upper.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/22/19

Related Material:
Why People Lie
Lie And Truth, Part 5
“Why We Lie”

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