Teaching And Role-Playing

628.2Question: While teaching the wisdom of Kabbalah, you devote 90% of your time to giving lectures and answering questions, less time to workshops, and you do not use role-playing at all. Why?

Answer: In principle, I studied only by receiving materials and asking questions. There were almost no workshops. I probably continue the methodology of my teacher in this way. Besides, it is quite difficult to introduce something new in my condition.

Remark: But you could conduct workshops, role-playing games, and analyze some cases. Let’s say something happened in one of the tens. You could take some standard general example, use this example to teach everyone else, and then everyone would remember that.

My Comment: Maybe you are right, but I am not used to it. I am a “dinosaur,” and it is already hard for me to change something. I have not seen such a state in the spiritual world and such examples in it that would be similar to role-playing.

Question: Maybe this is not suitable for studying Kabbalah. But can this be applied for integral teaching?

Answer: Anything can be applied: drawings, movies, music videos, etc. I do not disagree with anything.

Question: Is there a difference in our insight when we listen to a lesson recorded or live?

Answer: There is a difference. Listening to lectures live brings one insight, recorded brings another one, and through some other sources, a third.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/24/20

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