How To Escape Hatred

961.2Remark: Sometimes I have a feeling that reality is much more sensual, stronger than any movie, any scenario. I will now read the letter that is addressed to you.

Dear Michael Laitman,
My name is Stanislav. I listen to your programs and don’t miss any of them. And it’s all thanks to my wife. I lived in perfect harmony with her for 28 years. We had no children, so we adopted a son. We raised him. Loved him very much, especially my wife, who adored him.

During the coronavirus, we were very careful. My wife and I were able to work from home and listened to your programs. We agreed with you. But our son took it as a challenge. He went outside, didn’t wear a mask, laughed at us. We couldn’t explain anything to him, he wouldn’t listen.

As a result, he infected us. I went through this illness easily, my wife was very ill. She died two months ago.

I can’t look at my son, I hate him! I understand that it’s impossible to bring my wife back, and I don’t want to live with this hatred for my son, especially since he feels guilty, I see it. But I can’t help myself. I look at him, avert my eyes, and try not to yell at him. There is no love inside me, no love at all! How do I get it back? What to do? How can I forgive him? I don’t know. Help me!”

I just feel what hell is inside a person.

My Comment: He must understand that all this comes only from the highest degree, from the highest decision, and therefore the son is absolutely not to blame!

Remark: I’m afraid it’s hard for a person in this state to hear.

My Comment: Never mind. He needs to hear it because it will save him from hatred after all. And hate is the worst thing.

Remark: He feels the hatred eating away at him. He wants to escape it and can’t.

My Comment: Therefore, he can be told it all comes from above, and therefore none of us are to blame for anything, except for one thing that we do not admit our mistakes. We must learn from them. Learn what the Creator reveals.

Question: What is his mistake now?

Answer: He should say to himself: “Enough!” He must raise the thought to the level of action. He can’t go on like this, it’s not right. He burns himself and everything around him.

Question: Have you ever had a state where you hated so much that everything just burns?

Answer: Yes, until realizing that this is not right.

Question: So one needs to feel it? What’s my first thought?

Answer: “There is none else besides him”! I must attribute all this to the Creator, whatever it is! There, at His level, are all the solutions. Absolutely everything! About this poor woman and her son, and the Holocaust, and murders, and all the terrible things that happen in our world.

Everything is at the highest degree. You have to go up there, and then you will see that everything is the opposite. It turns out that this is not some kind of supreme cruelty, this is the highest mercy.

Question: So this is not a punishment, but mercy?

Answer: Yes. It’s impossible to imagine all this. We should start hearing this slowly now, later we will realize it.

Question: Is this given to a person to the extent that he can endure?

Answer: Bearing is not a big deal. It’s like you give him painkillers and he endures everything. It is not necessary to bear at this level, but when he sees and understands the entire creation from beginning to end and can justify it on the part of the Creator. To the extent that he is equivalent to the Creator, he can justify everything that happens. Absolutely everything!

Otherwise, we will engage in self-criticism. How many people reproach themselves for everything they have done in life!

Remark: Look at how much hate there is in the world. The world is built on hate.

My Comment: In fact, we will see that this is not hatred, but love. The opposite is true. There is no need to continue to cultivate hatred.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/27/20

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