Is The Meaning Of Life The Same For All Mankind?

202.0Question: Throughout history, people have asked questions about the meaning of life. In the Abrahamic religions, the goal of life is the knowledge of God, obedience, and service to Him; in Buddhism, the end of suffering; in Hinduism, the achievement of supreme bliss, and according to Confucius, building a perfect society in the likeness of heaven.

It is interesting that science does not study the question of the meaning of life at all. It examines only the conditions for the emergence of life on Earth.

Should the meaning of life  be the same for all mankind or does everyone have their own?

Answer: The fact is that we are like children who are constantly developing, and gradually as they grow, their views on the world and life change. This is natural. Therefore, this is how we treat a child. What he understands at the age of five is different from what he understands at 10, 15, and 20. They are in a way completely different people. We see that as a child grows up, awareness of his existence grows in him. It’s the same in humanity.

Thus, we cannot talk about something common to all of humanity. We must tie it to the level it is at. If, for example, we take two people arbitrarily, and start comparing them, then first you need to understand why each of them thinks and believes like that and not otherwise, and only after that can you form a correct attitude toward them.

Question: So the highest goal of human life is to comprehend oneself, to cognize nature is also not finite? Surely, there are some other goals further?

Answer: In principle, if we comprehend what we exist for, this is already a transcendent threshold where we begin to study the force that created us. This is initially higher than us. We will rise to the next level of consciousness and reach a new level.

And what will happen next to those who ascend to this level, I cannot say. This is the same as, for example, a five-year-old child who does not understand the reasoning of a ten-year-old, and a ten-year-old who does not understand a twenty-year-old.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 2/7/20

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