How Will Fashion Change?

565.01Remark: The coronavirus and the pandemic associated with it are changing the habits, guidelines, and priorities of society. As a result, this has an impact on all spheres of business, including fashion. At Paris fashion week, one of the brands presented its collection on a barge that went down the Seine. It could have been observed from the Eiffel Tower and from different sides.

Dior has released a collection for dolls, and if customers want to buy something, then it will be reproduced in full size.

Another luxury brand has created a collection that matches the current conditions. Its couturier says that it is most likely a house dress or nightgown that now corresponds to the current time.

My Comment: Very good This is the most needed.

Question: What does a person convey through clothing from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: His inner world, his inner attitude to the meaning of the world, to the meaning of life.

Question: What values should we pass on to each other so that we do not depend on clothing, its cost, labels, and so on?

Answer: With the help of the clothing, we have to convey our aspiration for unity, for a beautiful, simple connection between people above our egoism, for all people around to feel that I relate to them well, kindly, and they could see it in my clothes.

That is, the clothes should not be provocative, but endearing, drawing something compassionate to me. It is possible to check how children relate to it, whether they want to stroke it, press their cheek to it.

Question: What kind of fashion should be introduced for this to appear and develop between people?

Answer: Fashion for a smile. No outfits, no epaulets, or anything else can replace this. There should be a friendly smile. Not a leer.

Question: What information should the clothes convey to other people?

Answer: They should convey the good message of a person.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/27/20

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