New Life 1270 – The Collapse Of The Old World

New Life 1270 – The Collapse Of The Old World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

The old egoistic social systems are disappearing and, in their place, we are struggling to build one, new system in which everyone is equal, emotionally close, and interconnected with a good attitude. People have lost the taste for the old, luxurious form of life when we were preoccupied with cars and fashion.

Around the globe, we are witnessing social revolutions for solidarity and equality. These revolutions start within a person through changes in intellect, desire, and feeling. Society will subsequently determine laws that support connection between everyone. We need to ask ourselves, how can I do good to others? The coronavirus is helping us to learn to care for each other; we need to focus on not passing the virus to others out of concern for their wellbeing. In the new, good life, we will each understand that we do not exist in and of ourselves, but only as a result of everyone else.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1270 – The Collapse Of The Old World,” 7/27/20

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