What Do Our Attributes Dictate To Us?

laitman_624.07In our world we believe that everything changes on the outside, like the weather, for example, sunshine, snow, and rain. I accept it all as something that falls on my head.

In fact, this is not so; everything depends on my attributes. It is to such an extent that I need to gradually begin to feel even external phenomena such as snow, rain, and sunshine, and different problems we may encounter in this world, like earthquakes and other such things, not as the Creator’s impacts on me, but as my own attributes.

My attributes dictate all the phenomena and everything I feel in this world, while I feel that they are seemingly nature’s or the Creator’s positive or negative attitude toward me. His attribute is absolutely positive bestowal unto me.

You imagine how different we are from the Creator and that we feel our lives as constant changes from bad to worse to better and then to worse, from better to worse, over and over again. We are constantly unhappy with Him. There are two options in our attitude to the Creator.

On the one hand, we can relate to the Creator Himself, but we need to understand that we cannot relate to the Creator Himself because He is the source of absolute good. Whatever we attribute to Him, we will not be able to change anything because He is simply the source of the light. The only thing that can help is the right attitude toward the light that emanates from Him, not our attitude to the source, but to the light.

In order to relate to the light correctly, we need to understand how it comes to us, what it carries, and how we can be in contact with it.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/8/19

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