Does Nature Require The Impossible From Us?

laitman_571.01Question: What do you mean by connection? The great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam writes that there are only two laws in society: the law of receiving and the law of bestowal. By our nature, we love to receive from society and as for bestowal—to the extent we can receive.

Therefore, the problem is that we cannot clearly balance between how much a person in society should receive and how much he should give. If there were a correct balance between receiving and bestowing, then would there be a right type of connection?

Answer: At the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, nature regulates this instinctively. On the human level, however, we must regulate this by ourselves, but we cannot because we do not know the whole picture regarding nature. We are ruled by egoism and everyone seeks to bend nature for themselves.

Comment: This is a whole science: How much to receive, how much to give, and who to give to? Who should determine all of this?

My Response: We cannot describe this with directives from the government to people. We only need to feel the system of interconnectedness that includes all the forces of nature, and act in accordance with these.

Question: That is, the solution is not to tell a person how much he should receive and how much he should give?

Answer: No. There is a very clear understanding of what should be according to nature (Kabbalah), not in accordance with what comes into someone’s head.

Comment: It is clear to us how this happens in a family. If I feel a connection with my child, my wife, and my relatives, then I will strive to give them as much as possible and receive only necessities for myself because I enjoy giving to them.

My Response: But this works instinctively in you. What do we do when we do not feel the neighbors at all and do not wish anything good for any of them? On the contrary, when I feel that I am above them, that I am bigger and more important, this fills me and pleases me.

How can we rejoice in the success of others more than in our own, like we rejoice in the success of our own children because they are more important to us? Where do we get this love one’s neighbor as oneself?

Comment: Can you imagine what nature requires of us ?!

My Response: It requires the impossible.

Question: And then what?

Answer: Take strength from nature itself, which nature requires of you, then it will make you an altruist. It will put you on the level of your egoism and you will be able to find the correct line of behavior between egoism and altruism, between receiving and bestowing, and between caring for yourself and caring for others. And then you will see how you can change the world.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era,” 4/2/20

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