The Virus Will Reconfigure Us

laitman_962.6Question: How should regular people who have lost their livelihoods behave? Should they work on connection or search for a new job?

Answer: They should never break ties with the group if they have one. If not, then it is best to explain to them that such connections are beneficial for them and will bring solutions to their problems.

People who feel that they can soon return to their regular jobs have to still check themselves. To do so, we have to explain to them which actions of men are beneficial and will provoke a positive result from nature. But if they bring harm to nature or its integral quality, this will not work. Such occupations and businesses will not be restored.

I think that many months later, after the virus, we will be completely different people. We will stop rushing about, flying from one end of the world to another as if we’re missing something. Of course, it is interesting to see new places, but what’s the point? Each of us has flown all over the world. And what qualitative contribution have we made to ourselves, others, or the future? Absolutely nothing! Just the opposite.

So let’s sum up our attitude toward the world and relate to life differently. In accordance with this, we will see that after the coronavirus has passed through us, many professions will disappear. People will work only for the sake of the tangible benefit, earn as much as is needed to support themselves and their families, and will draw satisfaction from forming a deeper connection with nature.

The coronavirus is not really a virus but a program that penetrates us. For some people, it enters them on the animate level and kills them. For others, it enters and reprograms them to have a whole new sensory perception. But most of us will not feel this sensory reprogramming. It will be just a natural breathing through the nose and a feeling of its effects.

Once it enters us, it begins to reconfigure us, making us think, consider, and evaluate ourselves and others in a whole new way. The world will become different. Give the coronavirus another few months and you will see. Perhaps we will be unable to compare ourselves to the way we were in February, March, or April, but we will have a totally different approach to the way we deal with things in this world.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/5/20

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