The Main Function Of The People Of Israel

Laitman_036Question: What is the main function of Israel (the people of Israel)?

Answer: The function of Israel is to achieve such a connection that unites them together and then through this unity to pass the higher energy, the upper force, which unites and binds everything, to all nations of the world and to the rest of the layers of nature: animate, vegetative, and still.

Question: If Israel, as a center of connection, does not fulfill its function, then the system itself, in which the nations of the world and the people of Israel are located, forces the function of the nations of the world to affect Israel negatively, pushing it forward. Is that how it manifests in our world?

Answer: Yes. It happens automatically. To the extent that Israel transmits positive energy to them through the system of the souls and worlds that is in a certain state of development, but does not do this, to the same extent the negative reaction arises from them, a request: “Where is what we should receive now?”

Question: Does all this happen unconsciously?

Answer: Half-consciously. People do not know why aversion and specific demands appear in them toward Israel. But these demands appear: “You, Israel, are the source of all problems in the world!”

And actually, it is so. “You must do so that everything will be good in the world. We all depend on you! And you are not fulfilling your function!”
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/28/19

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