Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 9/6/19

laitman_597.02Question: What should be the prayer if you feel like a clump of evil and corruption?

Answer: That is great. If we all felt like such clusters of evil, egoism, envy, jealousy, meanness, and everything that possibly exists, it would be perfect. How much a person would want, if not to get rid of it, at least to paint over it a little!

This is good. It means one already has a need to change oneself.

Question: How and when we will be able to connect all of our AHP to us?

Answer: To do this, first you must have Galgalta ve Eynaim and then AHP. First of all, you must have bestowing desires, then you will be able to work with the desires to receive for the sake of bestowal.

Question: How can we not come to inaction or indifference because of annulling ourselves?

Answer: Let’s first learn to annul ourselves and then we will see. You are right, there is a question in this. The fact is that I am annulling not myself, but my egoistic participation, and ask that in its place, the Creator will give me new strength, the quality of bestowal.

Question: If concession to the friend does not lead to the greatness of the goal, should you concede to him?

Answer: If this is a ten, I do not make any calculations whether it does or does not lead to the goal. Most importantly, by conceding to the friend I move toward the goal.
From the Convention In Moldova “Day One” 9/6/19, “To Become Ready to Be Influenced by the Society,” Lesson 2

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