Life According To A New Script, Part 2

laitman_760.2Life is a script that I can rewrite again and start to control my life. In the end, a person gets tired of the movie someone forcibly made him the main character of. This is someone else’s life and I want to live my own life.

I then realize that everything around me is not mine, that I am under the influence of thousands of forces from different sources, and they play with me like with a ball, kicking and tossing me from place to place.

The question is: How can I stop this movie? I need a force that is above the actors playing with me in my life. I want to rise above my existence, above work, family, home, and plan my own life by myself. After all, we do not know how the script will turn in the next second and what new characters will appear in it.

I do not know the script of my life. In order to know it, I need to rise to the degree above myself and know the upper plan. Then I will understand how to play in it, what for, why, and what the purpose of this movie is.

Everyone wants to receive a good feeling from life; otherwise, why do we need it, its end is clear. Yet, while life is not yet over, I want to live it according to a good scenario. To do this, I need to connect with the forces that control my life, and the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches how to do this.

No matter how many times I rewrite the script according to my will, I will find out that it causes me harm. If I really want to write a program for my future, I have to study and learn what is best for me and how to change the script to a good one. When I really understand what good is, I will find out that I have an opportunity to shoot this movie and be the main character in it and director of it.

After all, a person usually does not understand what is good for him. We see that the forces controlling our lives involve us in such terrible films that we do not want to watch. But we can switch this movie to another if we know what we really want. By receiving this knowledge, we will receive the ability to make changes.

The entire development of a person in this life is designed to lead us to an understanding of what is really good for us. As soon as we understand this, we can immediately begin to live in it. This is because the good movie is already ready! We just do not want it, we reject it because of our short-sightedness.
From KabTV’s “New Life #1167,” 10/22/19

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