Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 12

laitman_444How Do Kabbalists Relate to the World?

Question: There is an attitude to the world and to others. What is the difference between the way a Kabbalist relates to the world and the way ordinary people do?

Answer: The Kabbalist treats the world as the work of the Creator. The world is an example of how I relate to the Creator. A good attitude toward people, toward the world, means a good attitude toward the Creator. In principle, nothing exists for a Kabbalist except himself and the Creator.

Question: Baal HaSulam writes in his article The Solution“The religious form of all the nations should first obligate its members to bestowal upon each other to the extent that the life of one’s friend will come before one’s own life, of “Love thy friend as thyself.” One will not take pleasure in society more than a backward friend.

This will be the collective religion of all the nations that will come within the framework of communism. However, besides that, each nation may follow its own religion and tradition; one must not interfere in the other.”

So do all Kabbalists relate to this that way or only Baal HaSulam?

Answer: Kabbalists act according to the law “there is no coercion in spirituality.” Each from his point in the heart, from his character, from his egoism, will gradually reach equivalence of form with the Creator and will enter that place in the general system of private souls where he will complement them and will interact with them in complete harmony.

Question: That is, a person can engage in Kabbalah, explore his selfish nature, work with the upper force as a law of nature, and at the same time, be in some specific traditions, religious frameworks, and one will not interfere with the other?

Answer: Of course. A person can have any religious framework. Religion in this case is simply considered as culture.

Question: Does this refer to the root of the human soul?

Answer: Yes, to any manifestations of a person. One can worship anyone and do anything, it does not matter. The main thing is that a person accepts the basic tenets of Kabbalah. If one fulfills them, then one will gradually reveal the true world.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/17/18

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Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 11
Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 10
Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 9

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