Not To Harm The Group

laitman_938.04Rabash, “The Agenda of the Assembly”: Each one should seriously consider the purpose of the gathering—that it should bring about a sensation, following the assembly of friends, that each one has something in his hand which he can put in his vessels, and that he is not in the form of, “But do not put any in your vessels.” Each one should consider that if he does not sit especially attentive during the assembly, not only does he himself lose, but he also corrupts the whole of society.

To the extent that a person can receive from the whole group, he can also under-deliver, that is, bring harm to it.

Question: Is that the fear that a person should have?

Answer: Definitely. It is considered to be his achievement or vice versa. In general, he can go either to the plus or the minus in relation to the group.

Question: So if I don’t invest toward the goal in relation to the group, do I fear that my actions will harm it?

Answer: Fear is not the issue. The fact is that every positive or negative result stems from what you invested into or took from the group. By taking, it means you introduced a negative force of moving forward to the group. But by investing in it, you create a positive force of advancement.

Practically, you take nothing for yourself. However much of the positive or negative force you brought into the group should be measured, and that is what is yours. That is, the group feels the result of your actions, and it stays there.

The negative force means criticism, various arguments, and descents, including personal ones. Positive forces are high spirits, security on the path, inspiration, etc.

Both, positive and negative states should be brought together. But the negative ones should be scrutinized and applied to our work.

Question: How can we bring the negative states into the group correctly?

Answer: If you scrutinize them correctly, the group will benefit from it. There can be no advancement without positive and negative factors.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 6/27/18

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