Audio Version Of The Blog – 9/2/18

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Passing On Attainment To One Another

laitman_961.2Question: How do Kabbalists pass on attainment to one another?

Answer: This is a complex system of combined Partzufim, when one’s attainment is partially transmitted to another from the top down or from the bottom up, just as in our world there is a transfer of knowledge between the teacher and the student.

One must have a Kli (vessel) to receive, and the other must have a corresponding desire to give so that a there would be a fusion between them, a proper interconnection, and then from the upper Partzuf, the Light will spread in the measure that you can correctly clothe it in your reflected Light.

Having received from the highest Light in your reflected Light, you can make a Zivug de Hakaa (coupling by striking) on it and correctly receive it.

Remark: But Kabbalists talk about a reality where there are no bodies, there is no time and space—something that cannot be explained.

My Comment: Try to understand creation a little deeper. It consists of a desire and a fulfillment. Clumps of desire and fulfillment—that is the whole reality.

Question: Is it possible to depict all of humanity as one great desire?

Answer: It is so in relation to the Creator, but with respect to us it is a spilled “emulsion,” which must be collected. Imagine that you landed on some planet and there you find something jelly-like and crawling—such is the earthly form of life.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/8/18

Related Material:
Passing On Secrets From One Kabbalist To Another
Passing The Wisdom From A Teacher To A Disciple
Passing The Light Of Attainment Down The Chain Of Souls

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 4/1/18

laitman_250Question: What element conveys spiritual information to a Kabbalist, like a quantum in physics?

Answer: A spiritual information unit is called a Reshimo (reminiscence) or information indicator. It tells us about the level of egoism with which we are working: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Question: Why can a Kabbalist see the spiritual future and potential of the student’s soul, but doesn’t know the earthly speed with which the student will realize it?

Answer: A teacher sees the potential of the student, the size of his soul, but he doesn’t know how he will realize it because this is where the student has freedom of choice.

Question: Do the connections between actions through cause and effect explain the consequences of events in the life of a person?

Answer: No. I can do very good deeds and yet suffer. This is in no way connected to that.

Question: How is it possible to learn to observe oneself?

Answer: Observe your friends and feel your reaction regarding them. This is called “observing oneself.”

Question: It is said, “He who holds back his rod hates his son” (Proverbs 13:24). How do you punish your students? In what way is this expressed?

Answer: I don’t punish them; they punish me. In a case like this, a person punishes himself. I try to give all that I can, and accordingly they take what they are capable of taking.

Question: How can a student know that he is advancing correctly? Is there some kind of indicator?

Answer: It is only in relation to the assessment of the teacher and the friends, how much more he understands what they need.

Question: What is good and bad in spiritual relationships? Or are there no concepts like these?

Answer: When you work for others, this is good. When you work for yourself because of compulsion, this is bad.

Question: Can the wisdom of Kabbalah harm creativity?

Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah is creativity itself. If a person is captivated by it, then corporeal pursuits can certainly be harmed as a result of this.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/1/18

Related Material:
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 3/25/18
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 3/11/18
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 3/4/18, Part 2

New Life 1033 – Overcoming Difficulties In Relationships

New Life 1033 – Overcoming Difficulties In Relationships
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

In order to overcome difficulties in relationships, we must try to accept one another rather than criticize, dominate, and change each other according to our own desires. Love creates one from two when we behave according to the principle, “Love covers all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12). This means that when something doesn’t please me, I cover it with love, as if it were mine, the same way we do with our children. Only when we concede our prideful egoistic natures, can we build a loving connection and even attain a higher power.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1033 – Overcoming Difficulties In Relationships,” 7/10/18

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 9/2/18

Lesson Preparation

[media 1] [media 2]

Writings of Rabash, Article 31 “Concerning Yenika [Nursing] and Ibur [Impregnation]” (1986)

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Talmud Eser Sefirot,  Vol. 3, Part 10, Item 1

[media 5] [media 6]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar

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