Time Travel

Laitman_132Question: What is the meaning of the word “history” according to the wisdom of Kabbalah if there is no time in spirituality?

Answer: Everything that happens in the corporeal world is an outcome of the upper roots that descend into our world, and so our world is a reflection of those upper roots.

In other words, different forces are revealed in the system of the upper worlds on the spiritual level and their corporeal reflection is expressed in matter in our world. Therefore human history allows us to talk about spiritual events. Although there is no spirituality in corporeal actions, they reflect the spiritual roots. The language of the branches of our world enables us to speak about spiritual processes.

As for time, Kabbalists can travel along the time axis from the beginning of the creation to its end, except for one state: a state that can be described as a “point.” On the one hand, it is a state of zero, and on the other hand, it is a state of 100%. It is the state from which the beginning of creation and its end gradually descend, and the time axis runs between them from 0 to final correction (Gmar Tikkun), the end of correction, until the end of 6,000 years.


Suppose I, meaning my soul, my Partzuf, my spiritual body (Rosh, Toch, Sof), am in the middle of the time axis, if I have a Masach (screen) over my egoism, I can time travel wherever I want to, backward or forward. This means that by using the Masach I can change and shape my egoism to bestowal, love, and connection, and move along the time axis. The initial point on the time axis is Adam’s sin, and the final point is the coming of the Messiah. I can be in the year 1000 after Adam or at any other point.

Who wouldn’t like to time travel? Humanity has always dreamed of it! In the spiritual world it is possible, but not in our world, although we can also see the outcome here. Baal HaSulam tells us about it in the book Shamati where he says that Abraham, for example, told Isaac something. How could he know what Abraham and Isaac had spoken about in the desert or in the olive grove? A Kabbalist enters the state of Abraham and thus understands the information that Abraham had to convey now to the next state, Isaac, and this is what he tells us about.

Question: Can we travel in the body?

Answer: What does it mean “in the body”? You feel these feelings, you are in them; you enter them. When Baal HaSulam read the commentaries of Chaim Vital to the The Tree of Life by the Ari, which were written 600 years ago, he called out in wonder, “but what you wrote here isn’t what I told you to write!” That is, he entered the Ari’s soul.

Kabbalists who wrote about their attainments lived in two worlds: in our world and in the spiritual world. Let’s assume, strictly hypothetically, that I could ascend to the level of the Ari. I would be able to feel everything he felt, said, and did then.

Question: Will we be able to time travel while being in our body?

Answer: You have to enter the egoism in order to imagine both our body and all the physical structure of our world. The point is that the corporeal state actually doesn’t exist. It is the outcome of the egoism that is parallel to the spiritual state, because everything we see around us is an unrealistic world that is depicted in our desire.

No one can change himself and be totally like the Ari. I can resemble him by entering his state, but I cannot be like him and at the same time also feel the events he underwent during his lifetime, which means to be in the 16th century in the northern part of Israel. A Kabbalist cannot enter a person’s physical body or his corporeal attributes, but only his spiritual state. You can attain all these states spiritually but not physically.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 5/29/16

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