When There Are No Common Interests

laitman_627_1Question: I have started studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and I have noticed that many people around me don’t interest me anymore. Is this an indication that my ego has grown or that the difference between our attributes has grown?

Answer: We seek the right environment throughout our lives according to our internal attributes, our hobbies, and our goals, and so without a choice we are drawn to people whom we find interesting.

For me, for example, these are my students and friends who share the same views as I do. This, of course, doesn’t negate my natural attraction to my children and my grandchildren because they are my family, but this has nothing to do with spirituality.

As for other people, I am just not in contact with them because we have no common interests. Sometimes I meet people I studied with in the past or who were in my life at different stages, but apart from some small talk such as “How are you?” and “How is everything?”, we have nothing in common.

After a couple of minutes there is nothing to talk about anymore. Therefore it is okay to accept the fact that the wisdom of Kabbalah diverts us a bit from our old acquaintances. Life has separated us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

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Sorting Life’s Values
Shortage Of Time: Good Or Bad?
Don’t Avoid Your True Self-Fulfillment

Let’s Bring Good To The World!

laitman_626Question: What is hindering the people of Israel and all the Jews in the world from uniting? Why don’t other peoples have this problem?

Answer: The other peoples have the same problem and even more so! But they aren’t founded on the idea of consolidation, like we are. We possess the method of unity! Therefore, the nations of the world are pushing us to begin to use it.

Question: So why doesn’t anything succeed?

Answer: It is because our people don’t know and don’t want to know that they have this method, the wisdom of Kabbalah. It is specifically this that talks about how it is necessary to unite and how to show this to the rest of the peoples.

But no one wants to listen. Check yourself: how important it is to you, what will you do, and when will you think about it next? It turns out that we, the Jews, prevent ourselves! Anti-Semites are right when they accuse us of being a problem for the whole world, because only we have the uniting technique called “Kabbalah.” But we do not want to use it and lead the world to the good bright future!

It is not important to the anti-Semites how many achievements we have brought to the world, how many Nobel Prizes we have, and that we want to be good to them. The world requires something else. The one thing that it wants from us is that we transform it into a better world with happy people!

This is possible to attain only through consolidation. Give humanity an example of unity. This is the only thing missing in our fragmented and miserable world. Show that people can live together happily in unity and connection between them and that the method is in our hands! It is called the wisdom of Kabbalah and we have to use it. We haven’t used it for 2,000 years, and now the time has arrived to begin using it and bringing the world to happiness.

Question: Would there be peace in the whole world if we were happily and joyfully singing and dancing in circles in Israel?

Answer: If this method could be summed up by our singing and dancing in circles, everything would be simple. But it is much more complicated, it is universal and profound. It is unique in that it reveals how to reach the higher management. This is a very wise, serious and internal global method. It is possible to read what scientists, thinkers, and philosophers have written about the wisdom of Kabbalah and to understand what it is. This is the only asset of our world.

Question: If the process of unifying were to begin in Israel, would the world around us then change?

Answer: Absolutely! Both the Arabs and the anti-Semites would become our friends. Nobody, except the Jews has freedom of choice. What do the anti-Semites seem to say? “You hold the key to our happiness! You are the reason for all the evil in the world!” So we can become the reason for all the good.

Let’s do this! There is no reason to sit and cry about this, drawing a bitter future upon us again. We must wake up and approach this question seriously. Really great powers are in our hands. We can make ourselves and the entire world happy!
From the Webinar 5/8/16

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Why Were The Jews Given So Many Talents?
Why Do Jews Live Well?
Why The Jews Are Not Left Alone

Obama’s “Deep Ties” To Islam

laitman_272In the News (Fox News): “Newly unearthed photos of President Obama in Muslim garb underscore his deep ties to the faith — and possibly help explain his reluctance to call out radical Islam, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly said Wednesday.

“The photos, aired on “The O’Reilly Factor,” were taken at the wedding of Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, in Maryland sometime in the early 1990s, O’Reilly said. They were not offered as evidence that Obama is Muslim, as some of his critics insist, but to show his “deep emotional ties” to the religion of his father and stepfather, O’Reilly said.

“‘There is no question the Obama administration’s greatest failure is allowing the Islamic terror group ISIS to run wild, murdering thousands of innocent people all over the world, including many Muslims,’ said O’Reilly. ‘Mr. Obama has never, never acknowledged that mistake, nor does he define the ISIS threat accurately.

“’That group is killing innocent people in order to impose a radical version of Islam on the world,’ the newsman added. ‘The jihad is solely based on theology, perverted as it may be.’

“A similar photo emerged in 2008, when Obama was running for the Democratic presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton. In that photo, Obama was seen wearing a white turban and Muslim dress. The photo was sent to the influential Drudge Report, and Obama’s campaign blamed Clinton for the ‘smear.’ …

“The president reportedly met his older half-brother for the first time in 1985. Malik Obama now lives in a rural Kenyan village near Lake Victoria.”

My Comment: The Creator is leading the world toward the recognition of evil in people and the recognition of the need to counterbalance evil with good. Attraction of the good force into our world happens through educating people according to the method that was discovered by Abraham and is presented in the wisdom of Kabbalah. The time has come to use this method throughout the world before the world makes bigger mistakes.

Related Material:
Barack Obama Is For The Conversion Of America To Islam
America Will Collapse If Obama Turns His Back On Israel

Golden Path To Love

laitman_527_03Torah, “Deuteronomy,” 5:29: Keep them to perform [them] as the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside either to the right or to the left.

Do not turn aside either to the right or to the left means to go along the middle line only, using all your qualities for bestowal and love.

All qualities, whatever they may be, we must accept so that we rise above ourselves in love for them.

When we deviate to the left, we enter the state of uncorrected desires and can’t leave them so. When we deviate to the right, we enter the state when we “float” in the Upper Light, in the quality of bestowal and love, but we don’t participate in it with all our egoism.

Therefore, both sides have to be balanced by the middle line, which is called a golden path to love.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 3/30/16

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On The Golden Path To The Spiritual Ascent
Complete Freedom!
Choosing Where We Want To Go

New Life 735 – Blessings And The Connection To The Creator

New Life 735 – Blessings And The Connection To The Creator
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

“A person should not enjoy the world without a blessing.” It isn’t easy to understand what the sages mean by that, but they don’t refer to empty words. A person should reach the revelation of the Creator and true gratitude.

Children learn to say blessings and adults should learn how to actually discover the Creator.

Those who have revealed the Creator say that He is good and benevolent to all, and therefore I have to be like Him. The blessing is only a reason to connect to the upper force in order to identify with Him. The blessing should include the intention to discover the Creator and to bring Him delight.

All our work is to correct our attributes, to correct the desire to receive, which is totally egoistic. All this can be fulfilled only by studying the wisdom of Kabbalah in a group of people.

It says “the commandments were given only in order to purify the created beings,” that is, purify us, to correct our egoism. To bless actually means to reach a state in which a person enjoys the actual connection with the Creator and his giving to the Creator.

The purpose of the blessing is not to say thank you but to ascend to the level of the Creator, to be loving and giving like He is. Giving to the Creator can only be by giving to others, as it is written,  “from the love of the created being to the love of the Creator.”

Therefore, “love thy friend as thyself” is the greatest rule of the Torah. This is the goodness that a person can “give” the Creator.
From KabTV’s “New Life 735 – Blessings And The Connection To The Creator,” 6/21/16

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 07.27.16

Preparation for the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic: “Preparation for the Convention,” Lesson 9

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Lesson on the Topic: “17th of Tammuz,” Lesson 8

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 07.26.16

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The 17th Of Tammuz

Laitman_043Question:  What can you tell us about the 17th of Tammuz?

Answer: The entire period after the holiday of Shavuot and the giving of the Torah, meaning the “descent” of the unification system and elevation above the human ego, is portrayed for us as a very complex stage. It is impossible to simply achieve realization of the correction method among the Jewish people or all of humanity without serious complications. We see that every action, even the best, in any case must begin from suffering, from an impulse, from an understanding that it cannot be realized, that it requires sacrifices, and it is specifically the events of the 17th of Tammuz that provide an answer to this subject.

The 17th of Tammuz is a tragic date in the history of the Jewish people. It was the beginning of the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) in Jerusalem. In all times this date has been marked with sorrow. It symbolizes the beginning of becoming aware of our inability to carry out the plan of creation, meaning the direct correction of human nature.

After all, to correct it we must incorporate all of our characteristics with those of the Creator. This is a very interesting point because there is nothing positive about us!

The incorporation of the positive characteristics of the Creator with the negative characteristics of the person in order to change their form from a “mess” can only happen with destruction, with a shattering. Otherwise it is impossible to bring the two characteristics, the two opposing categories, together.

It is achieved only through an “explosion” as in the formation of metal alloys or the formation of a mixture of oil and water. It is accomplished only through a strong and shaking collision.

This is how the walls of the Temple were crumbled and then the Temple itself was destroyed. Everything was shattered and ground into dust! So for thousands of years the Jewish people endured much suffering including the Holocaust, expulsion, extermination and pogroms.

We have reached a state, where through studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, under the influence of the Upper Light, we are beginning to differentiate true goodness from bad, the characteristics of the Creator from the characteristics of the creature. By separating and correcting them, we place them as two lines against each other and abide in the middle line between them, combining good and bad in the correct mutual relationship with each other.

The 17th of Tammuz (Yud-Zayin Tammuz) represents the beginning of the explosive shattering through and the power of the mutual entry of the two opposite properties of the Creator and creation.

Egoism and the characteristics of the Creator, (the property of love and bestowal), can exist separately by themselves. But when they come in contact with each other, an explosion occurs without which it is not possible to recognize the evil of our nature and begin its correction.

It is in this explosive entry of the forces of good in the force of evil, that have within them so-called Reshimot, informational records by which gradually, with the help of the Upper Light, it is possible to place the ego in the lowest state and obligate it to serve the goodness of the characteristics of bestowal and love since it cannot do anything itself.

Therefore, from the point of view of the wisdom of Kabbalah, these are essential periods. They existed from the beginning within the plan of creation even before their realization in our world, beginning with the siege of the Temple in Jerusalem followed by its destruction.

We have already gone through all of this, and now if we behave correctly, we can expect only good times of correction and the correct realization of the Reshimot that are found within our egoism.

For this we must attract the Upper Light to be able to distinguish with its help where there is a bad characteristic and where there is a good characteristic, how to separate between them, and how to correct one relative to the other. If we approach correction correctly, then no more evil will be revealed in the world because all of the negative characteristics of the creature will have already been revealed in the past.

The wisdom of Kabbalah makes it possible for us to begin with a fundamental cleansing and clarification of our characteristics, to evaluate the states we are going through clearly, to choose the positive side relative to the negative, and  to place them correctly one against the other.

Then from the connection between them, we can build a single field and a correct connection between us that will be called the “Third Temple,” the common desire that will reveal the upper force and a new level of existence to us.

I hope that these days will be used as a push to recognize what is happening and that people will begin with a correction to move properly and easily through the clarification of the evil in their nature.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 7/11/16

Related Material:
Time Of Judgment
The Three Weeks (At Bay)
Long Way To The Temple, Part 6

The Connection Between The Spiritual Way And the Corporeal Way

laitman_275Question: What is the relationship between the corporeal way and the spiritual path?

Answer: I don’t know what the corporeal way and the spiritual way are. They should be unified by the goal I adhere to; I go by that.

The spiritual goal is the revelation of the one upper force that manages our reality, which you can call the Creator or God. It makes no difference. Best of all is to call it nature.

If a person chooses the upper force, then he dismisses all but what is actually necessary for his physical existence because, after all, he is still in a corporeal body.  It needs to exist under special conditions: a person needs food, a home, different services, medical care, etc. To have all that, a person must work.

It turns out that in addition to the work required to serve one’s mortal body, a person needs nothing but aspiration to reveal the upper force in order to serve his soul.

Thus, the thousands of unnecessary, empty actions, hobbies, and occupations disappear from a person’s life. I feel free! I have time for everything.

For example, I engage in preparing for the lesson, I read,  and I participate in different TV programs. In addition to the morning lessons, I also give lectures and write articles that are published in various newspapers. I have time for everything.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

Related Material:
Sorting Life’s Values
What Remains After Life?
Corporeal And Spiritual Development

Everyone Must Become Moses

laitman_740_02Torah, “Deuteronomy,” 5:26: Would that their hearts be like this, to fear Me and to keep all My commandments all the days, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!

Fear is the quality of awe before the fact that a person has an opportunity to correct himself, but he constantly misses this opportunity to merge with the upper force, to rise to its level, and to become like Moses.

It says in the Torah that everyone must become Moses, that is, to completely correct himself.

Question: Moses often said, “I spoke to Him and convey to you what He told me.” What does it mean that he hears the Creator?

Answer: This means that he feels Him within himself. The sensation of the Creator at the level of Bina is called hearing and at the level of Hochma it is vision.

Before people enter the land of Israel, Moses repeats the laws of the Torah to them.

The entire Torah speaks about one single principle, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” However, at each level, it carries an increasing capacity, deeper egoism, and according to it, the height of spiritual ascent.

Each level looks different. It’s just like with children: in principle, you tell them the same thing, but they understand it differently, and you treat them differently. Everything depends on the internal desire of a person, his requirements and his abilities to absorb your message within himself.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 3/30/16

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Covenant With Every Generation
“Following Humbleness Comes The Fear Of The Lord”
Moses And The People