How To Play Hide And Seek Correctly

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The “Song of Songs” isn’t just a universal masterpiece but a book that enables us to understand how to establish a new mutual relationship between us and become a society that resembles one family.

The actual story develops quite dramatically. There are sudden concealments, drawing apart and getting closer: she looks for him and he hides, etc. What is going on?

Answer: Love must constantly be cultivated. It cannot exist without a need, without the revelation of separation: “love will cover all transgressions.” We must reveal these transgressions: each one has to allow his partner to further develop love.

Therefore, all of human society, all of nature, and accordingly people are made so that every time the evil inclination is increasingly revealed in us, exposing the flaws in our relationships. Then we can be in the constant dynamic of the filling of love: every time sins appear and then a more reliable concealment.

Question: The author hints: “Follow me, seek me.” What is this game?

Answer: The beauty is the revelation of needs that I cannot fulfill. What is the essence of flirting? I show the one I love what he or she can complement in his or her attitude towards me.

When we play with children we sometimes look at them strictly. Why? So that they will think why this is so and what they should do, whether to get closer or to draw away, to feel pity or to laugh, etc.

By changing our state, we allow our partner to develop and to be incorporated in a tighter mutual cooperation with us. This refers both to children and to adults. By flirting, I allow my beloved to complement our relationship since I discover different states inside me where the relationship of love is lacking.

Question: But they constantly play hide and seek! What should we learn from that?

Answer: We can increase the love by such actions. We can increase it to such an extent that you will see your beloved everywhere! At the end of the story she sees that he fills the whole world!

Question: But in the flirting process they sometimes feel unpleasant states: “By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth; I sought him, but I found him not.” I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had turned away, and was gone. My soul failed me when he spoke. I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.”

Answer: That’s great! Imagine that you experience such feelings and then you reach an embrace and connection! What great need have you accumulated and how you fill yourself now.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 5/28/14

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