A Special Force For Making A Breakthrough

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What proof do we have that there is a special force in connection?

Answer: Haven’t those who were in the commando or in a sports team ever felt this force?

Question: But this force doesn’t change human nature.

Answer: The force that is revealed in the connection can convince and dominate those who are connected. If five, ten, or even twenty people come together sharing one intention or inclination, this inclination dominates everyone and doesn’t let anyone fall.

This is what happens in an ordinary, egoistic, corporeal connection. We are built in a way that this force sustains all of us. What is more, when we convene or assemble no one can decide or come up with a solution by himself. Instead, we discuss things together and consult one another and the sharpest and most extreme decision comes up. Although everyone worries and had doubts, the group decision is accepted in the direction our ideology breaks through.

This happens since the force of connection is revealed in the group, which draws all of us forward and blurs all the negative and extreme implications. It is because this force already identifies whether we can continue to advance according to our connection. The group doesn’t simply accept the best decision but also the most decisive and extreme one for our advancement, for making a breakthrough.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/06/14, Writings of Rabash

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