All Right, But Where Is The Council Of Sages?

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion: (K. Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences, Academy of Geopolitical Problems):

1. Conflicts that caused global crisis (in fact, a conflict of civilizations):

    • Between the growth of supply-demand and available resources, and Earth ecosystem problems;
    • Between the “poor” developing countries and the “rich” industrial ones;
    • Between nations and transnational elites;
    • Between the size of the global “financial bubble” and the scale of the real sector of global economy – the solution is in elimination of the “bubble”, which threatens the loss of power of transnational financial elite, or its “conversion” to real economy sector – leading toward establishing unchallenged economic dominance of transnational financial elite over the world;
    • Between lack of spirituality in the “free market” that generates the power of money and spiritual foundations of different civilizations – the Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, and others. The solution lies solely in establishing a common spiritual foundation of the world order.

2. The new world order can be built only by one of two models:

    • The concept of the “gold billion” – a few “chosen” ones, who define themselves as the “intellectual core of humanity,” preserve and enhance the current level of consumption at the cost of ruthless exploitation of the rest of humanity, accompanied by its artificial reduction, bringing it to critically minimal material consumption and spiritual degradation;
    •  “Civilizational mutual support (civilizational harmony)” – the goal of globalization, is not in “unification” but in the development of all the existing civilizations, preserving and extending to every nation and civilization a “field of development,” which is the basis of development of each and all of them together. This is the path to the future.

3. The war will be fought for what spiritual foundation should underlie the new world order. Either it will be based on individualism, egoism, the inhibiting of one entity by another, the principle of survival at the expense of others – or the community, the dominance of the common interests of collective survival and development over the individual ones, the principle of joint survival through mutual support.

4. The first stage – “an attempt to peaceful resolution of the crisis” – is already coming to an end. Its battlefield – Summits G20 – do not work. The beginning of the second stage is “the threat preceding a World War”: the West is preparing local wars and armed conflicts over the resources, as well as limited wars.

5. History shows that the elite of “selfish” civilization won’t stop at human losses if there is a guarantee to preserve themselves in the “bunkers.” A new world war will affect most of the world’s population, leading to loss of hundreds of millions of people.

To prevent this, we have to restrict (by law) the greed of transnational and national magnates of economy and the financial sphere. This can be done only by international consolidation of efforts.

Comment: Clever people, experienced analysts; but there is no motivation to consolidate together and to address people, downward, through Internet social networks, and to governments, upward, because all you can do is call for change!

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One Comment

  1. As long as we follow the middle pillar, so too will the nations of the Earth. In fact it is already like this now. The best we can do is focus on the details and clarifactions that come before us.

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