The Prince And The Poor Mouse

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can I nullify myself before the friends if I already feel that I am lower than everyone else?

Answer: Feeling that you are lower than everyone else does not mean feeling a flaw; rather, it is the opportunity to be incorporated in everyone and to receive the greatest Light of Nefesh from them.

If I am small, I can be incorporated in a small system or in a large system, it all depends on the level of my self-annulment, which is seemingly a simple action. If I nullify myself before a small system, I am like a small mouse that was born to a family of mice. But if I can nullify myself, with my big ego in a large system, I am like a small prince in the king’s palace. It all depends on top of which ego I nullify myself.

So to be small is no small thing. Although the small receives only the Light from the very first level—the Light of Nefesh, the Light of Nefesh is unlimited.

It is good to be small! It is the best time to advance. It is the small who advance.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/12/12, Writings of Rabash

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