Fed’s Report Paints A Gloomy Picture On Growth

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (From The Wall Street Journal): “The economy is growing at a painfully slow pace in most regions of the U.S., and many businesses say they are bracing for tougher times ahead, a Federal Reserve report said Wednesday.

“The Fed’s Beige Book, based on interviews with business contacts and economists in the 12 Fed districts across the U.S., said weakness was infecting sectors such as manufacturing that were once pillars of the recovery. Seven of the districts reported some form of weakening economic activity.

“The picture that emerges is one of Americans across the country taking stock of the shaky economy and hitting ‘pause.’”

My Comment: According to the conditions of the global integral system of the world, to the extent that each part affects the entire system positively or negatively, it receives a corresponding positive or negative reaction that has multiplied manifold.

Accordingly, the U.S. has no reason to expect positive results from its activity, owing to its negative influence in the world and the desire to win at the expense of others. In a unified world system, caring for oneself at the expense of others leads to a defeat. I hope that we will see it and will learn how not to act by the old principles of capitalism.

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“Crisis” Is A Decision

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe word “crisis” (κρίσις) in Ancient Greek means not a problem but a decision, judgement, a turning point, meaning the birth of something new. (www.wikipedia.com)

The word “crisis” (משבר in Hebrew) means a place where a new life emerges, a seat where a mother gives birth to a child. A woman in labor is described as “sitting on the crisis.”

The great Biblical commentator RASHI (12th century AD) writes in his commentary on the Bible (Bible, Exodus 1,16): “The place of a birth giving mother is on the birth stones, which in another passage was called “Mashber ” (crisis) instead of “Avanim” (stones).”

There is also a passage in the Prophets: “The sons arrived at the crisis (Mashber) and have no strength to be born” (Prophets 2-9,3).

המילה “משבר” בעברית מתארת את כסא היולדת. כפי שנאמר “יושבת על המשבר” = יולדת.

רש”י, שמות פרק א’, פסוק ט”ז – “על האבניים מושב האישה היולדת, ובמקום אחר קוראו “משבר”.

“באו בנים עד משבר וכח אין ללידה”. מלכים ב’, פרק יט, פסוק ג’.


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Arich Anpin On Paper And In The Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanWhen we study The Study of the Ten Sefirot or “Pticha” (“Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah”), we should first learn the diagrams mechanically. Then, when you have the whole system before your eyes, you can ask: “Why is it so?”

First, we have to accept everything that is written there “as is,” meaning as reality, and then you will start distinguishing the reason why everything is arranged this way. We cannot swallow the whole wisdom at once because our vessels grow, become clearer, and connect in a certain order.

Hence, there is no point in building new theories; rather, we have to learn everything from nature. In nature, we are moving from externality to internality. So, first we perceive the picture (the sketch), and then we penetrate further in, deeper and deeper, until we come to the essence.

Otherwise, we corrupt the entire approach for the revelation of reality. Ninety nine percent of the people who quit studying are those who fail to arrange for themselves the right approach to revelation. We all are here to reveal the upper world. However, he who does not understand that “there is none else besides Him,” that all there is comes from the Creator, that we need to justify Him, that we need to see all negative things as “help against me” and arrange them in such way that specifically thanks to these obstacles we would rise and clarify more exalted, inner, and subtle concepts, such a person will not succeed.

If a person fails to arrange those things one after the other so as to reach the right perception, it turns out that “a thousand enter a room, but only one exits towards the Light.” We have to follow the example of children and learn from Nature. A child doesn’t know much; he doesn’t know what his father does, but he wants to do the same. He copies adults’ actions without getting their internal sense and plays with a plastic hammer without thinking too much. This is what we need: Without too much deliberation, we need to draw a sketch of Keter, Aba ve Ima, Arich Anpin.… For now, it’s sufficient for me.

Then I start penetrating deeper and deeper. This is the only way to advance; it is a science, and it is supposed to be learned this way. It is not The Zohar that we study as a “miraculous remedy” (Segula). The Study of the Ten Sefirot and “Pticha” are all about diagrams and drawings; otherwise, you’ll be detached and will simply wait for the Light that Reforms. But it won’t happen this way. We still need to get inspired from this wisdom since we want to find within ourselves all the elements that are being described in the books in the language of Kabbalah.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/26/2011, “Pticha”

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Cursory Thoughts On Shamati, “Lishma Is Awakening From Above”

Dr. Michael LaitmanLishma is an awakening from Above, and why do we need an awakening from below?

Really, we are incapable of connecting by ourselves; we cannot make one step forward because we all are egoists. But we have to try and exert.

It is written: “I labored and found.” If I don’t invest my efforts, I do not receive the force of correction from Above. I myself cannot create this correcting force; I cannot correct myself, but I need to sweat to still try to do it. And then, according to my effort, this force comes from within—and corrects me.

Sometimes we feel that we don’t understand or know anything, and suddenly an insight comes. This is what I have to look forward to. It is written about it: “It is not for you to complete this work (it is not you who completes it), but you are not free to reject it.” You have to exert yourself because the effort you put in invites and draws the force of correction.
From the 6th lesson at the Toronto Convention 9/18/11

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The Whole Truth About Me In Black On White

Dr. Michael LaitmanOur desire to receive pleasure is in a constant process of development. From the moment this desire was created by the Light “from absence,” this “absence” began developing under the Light’s influence, and it continues to do so—from the beginning of creation to its end.

There are stages in this development where the desire to receive isn’t yet considered the creature and is still building its still, vegetative, and animate levels: the system of spiritual nature. Later, within this spiritual nature the soul is created, called Adam, “man,” the speaking level. This soul also develops on the still, vegetative, and animate levels, in the worlds of BYA (Assiya, the still level, Yetzira, the vegetative level, and Beria, the animate level).

However, man himself has to build the human level within. If man doesn’t build himself as a human, he exists like an animal and uses all that surrounds him on the still, vegetative, and animate levels (all the worlds of BYA) egoistically, by taking the most he can get out of it. That’s how we develop, by sucking out from the surrounding nature all sorts of fulfillment that help us grow in our egoism.

However, when we reach the level where we’ve drained almost everything from nature, we begin to feel that our egoistic desire is opposite to the level of “human,” the world of Atzilut. Our lives become bitter, and we don’t know who to blame. After all, the world of Atzilut is concealed from us, and we exist below the Parsa (the border that separates Atzilut from the worlds of BYA).

This is why a person doesn’t understand why he’s so unhappy. It seems that he has his whole life laid out before him to enjoy. However, we don’t receive the additional Light, which can’t cross the Parsa from the world of Atzilut and descend to us through the worlds of BYA, and we—the human part within us—feel bad. This human within us is opposite to the real human level, to Zeir Anpin of the world of Atzilut. This is how we begin to aspire to reveal the source of our life, as well as its meaning and purpose.

Our entire work is to write “black on white.” The world of Atzilut is called “white.” And “black” is our lowest level and the color of the world of Assiya. Red is the color of the world of Beria, green is Yetzira, and black is Assiya. Everything is written on white background, on the “upper whiteness” (Loven Elyon) of the world of Atzilut.

A person that writes is one who examines and measures himself in relation to the world of Atzilut. He wishes to become like the human of the world of Atzilut, but upon examining himself sees the extent to which he doesn’t correspond to this image. This is how he advances.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/25/2011, Writings of Rabash

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What Is Required Of Us?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The world already sees the collapse waiting for it in the near future. However, except for us, no one is doing anything, and nothing good is happening.

Answer: If we had worked correctly, the world would have woken up from the dream. They won’t awaken, if we won’t wake them up. It is only us who are guilty of what’s happening. People are unable to come to their senses themselves; they awaken only if you shake them up.

This concerns everyone without an exception, including the world leaders and the experts. Some of them already have a spark of understanding. They see the real situation at least a little bit, but still do not change their way of thinking, still don’t grasp that they are the ones who must change, and not the world. We used to change the world egoistically, while now it is man who needs to change.There are scientists who are already writing about this, but their words are still very external, as they themselves don’t understand what stands behind them.

Thus our work is needed until these scientists decide to come and sit together with us at a lesson.

Only we can “shake-up” the substance of humanity. That’s why I make no claims to anyone. The creation of mass media that influences the environment correctly is also up to us. Everything is placed upon our shoulders and not somebody’s else.

Hence, looking at the world, I only learn how to approach this “baby” and bring a spoonful of nourishment to his mouth. Here everything depends on us.

Question: So what is it that we are not doing?

Answer: We do not disseminate. How do you influence the world? How do you convey to it what you receive during the lesson? We are not doing enough. After all, we are entrusted with the work of correction: to organize ourselves, to organize the connection network between us, and to stretch it over all our worldwide groups. We have a hundred groups, and millions of people listening to us without establishing contact with us.

But for some reason we lack the strength and wisdom in order to build the structure correctly. We still cannot present the message so that it will attract people and introduce the new program into them. They are not guilty of anything. In fact, they are ready to absorb more than we give them.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/23/2011, “One Commandment”

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Being Grateful For The Concealment

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe need to clarify why the Creator has created everything exactly the way He has. Everything was in His hands and He could have done it differently, couldn’t He? He is not an inhabitant of our world who needs to accept everything as given.

Yet why did He establish a reverse order of desires and Lights, due to which the desires that attract the Light and reveal it through great effort receive only a tiny illumination, while the biggest Light, which they do not know or feel, becomes revealed at a completely different place? Why does it need to be this way?

The biggest benefit from concealing the enormous work that we carry out is that it does not confuse us. It’s terrific that the great Light that we summon is concealed from us.

I perform a small action within myself, revealing my connection with everyone else and pushing them toward being connected, and thereby awaken a huge Light in the upper worlds. However, I do not reveal it. And this is good because if it were to be revealed, I would close myself off. I would become so proud that my spiritual path would be over. That is why I must be grateful that the Light is concealed, protecting my desire.

On the other hand, I must develop the desire for bestowal. Although I see that I do not receive any benefit from my work, I nevertheless want to continue. There is no reward and so be it, but I connect to the group, to the environment, and I do not demand anything for myself besides the ability to give.

Such an opportunity always exists in front of me. If I really want it, all paths are open to me. Don’t say that the skies are closed in front of you; everything is open! There is no restriction on bestowal, and you have nothing to cry about. If you do, it means that you are crying about egoistic receiving. You can do anything you want, but you won’t be able to grab anything for yourself.

At the time of bestowal, the desires and the Lights filling them are hidden from us. This serves us well in every sense, and we need to be grateful for it. First of all, it allows us to not block ourselves due to the huge Light, and secondly, it allows us to develop the quality of bestowal in a place of complete darkness.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/20/2011, TES

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