Understanding The Concept Of The “Surrounding Light” (Advanced)

spiritual-food-is-the-light-that-fills-ones-soulA question I received from my student: Is it correct to say that the Surrounding Light is our thoughts and desires, which influence us?

My Answer: Not entirely. The Surrounding Light is not simply our thoughts and desires, but it is our corrected thoughts and desires. It is the fulfillment that awaits us ahead, and which we have to receive. The Surrounding Light is, in fact, our corrected, good, proper thoughts and desires; it is the heartfelt connection among us that influences us. And the sum total of our corrected thoughts and desires is called “the Creator.” This is why in Hebrew, the Creator is called Bo-re, which means “Come and See.”

The positive energy of bestowal and love that exist in one’s future state, influences a person and his present state. This energy is called the Surrounding Light. Thus, we affect our uncorrected, present state with our corrected future state.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Creator Is the Corrected You
Laitman.com Post: The Creator’s Name Means “Come and See” (Advanced)
Laitman.com Post: The Surrounding Light’s Influence Depends On Your Aspiration To The Future State (Advanced)
Shamati #72 : “Confidence Is the Clothing for the Light”

One Comment

  1. It’s wonderful to know that the perfection we are all aimed at and heading toward exists here for us already, bestowing fulfilment by our simply intending for it to be so.
    I wonder if it is common or normal to find so much consciousness and responsive receptivity aroused as I bring my attention to bear upon the true desire to give?
    I have often thought ‘spiritual’ was synonymous with ‘social’ within this collective ensoulment of which we one by one awake to find ourselves sovereign yet integral parts. The quantum miracle of multiple singularity is the opportunity provided to share our experiences of what we have Come to See with one another, validating existence in every possible way to the glory of Creation.

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