Making Calculations For The Benefit Of The Whole

laitman_2009-03_7958A new general system of Nature is being revealed to us today. This general system is driven by the law of universal interrelations. If we are all connected to each other, then every good or bad action influences me!

The formula for success depends on this general system and the condition of all who act within it. There isn’t a single computer or form of intelligence in the world capable of making a calculation specifically for the future. What happens if a person wants to advance according to his own desires, rather than just escaping the blows that currently assail us?

I depend on what others do and cannot change this. If I want to advance on my own accord, I must know all the conditions in advance. However, no one knows anything in advance. We all have freedom of will but how can anyone be free if he depends entirely on the conditions created by others? It’s a vicious cycle. We are incapable of commanding the situation using our common concepts of time, space and motion within our conventional egoistic and habitual ways of thinking.

There is however, a simple and logical solution. If we wish to direct such a system, we have but one possibility: we have to rise above our personal calculations and start making calculations only for the benefit of the whole, ignoring our own situation or the others’ conduct. It does not matter what kind of state that big system is in, we only have to rise above ourselves and “give” to all. This is the only correct decision in a closed system. There is no other formula for success!

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