Am I A Mystic Or A Prophet?

save1Two questions I received about myself:

Question: Are you a mystic?

My Answer: I am a rational, down-to-earth man. Mysticism has never appealed to me. Even if I have feelings that seem “mystical,” I feel them because I attained them for myself. This is a sensation of the Creator, a sensation of crossing over, a sensation of commonality, of a single force and a field of love. All of this is mine. This is my reality because I live it and breathe it. Therefore, it is not mysticism for me, but an unfolding wider world. So, call me a “mystic” if you wish, but to me this means the attainment of a higher, wider range of vision, where attainment is not mysticism.

Question: Are you a prophet?

My Answer: People often ask me this question. To me, a spiritual sensation is not prophesy, but the reality in which I live. And if you will ask me, “What will happen tomorrow?” I will tell you unequivocally, “I don’t know.” And none of the prophets knew it. They were simply saying, “If you don’t do what you’re supposed to, then things will be very bad for you.” And they could describe the “bad things” that would happen because they knew the laws of Nature and what will happen if people don’t comply with them. This is what they described.

“But if you behave well,” they explained, “then all of this evil will transform to goodness. We, the prophets, do not know what will actually happen. We are telling you about Nature’s (or the Creator’s) plan, and the rest depends on you.” I also don’t know what will actually happen in the future. It depends on our choice: what path will we choose to get to the originally set goal – equivalence to the Creator.

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