There Is No Time In the Torah

There Is No Time In the TorahA question I received: I don’t understand where we are in the Torah at the moment. We know that it speaks only about ourselves, and that the historical path is really a spiritual one that we all must go through. At different times you say that we are in different time periods of the Torah:

  • In this entry we are Noah before the flood;
  • In entries like this you talk about how we are at the foot of Mt. Sinai and we must come together to rise above it, which happens years after the Flood;
  • And Mt. Sinai is after the Exodus from Egypt (or our egoism), so shouldn’t we have to do that first, before climbing the mountain?

So where are we exactly?

My Answer: Everywhere. You’ll find confirmation of this in Baal HaSulam’s and Rabash’s articles, because there is no time in the Torah – it talks about all of man’s states. We perceive our world within the framework of place-time-movement, but these three coordinates do not exist in the spiritual world!

This is why Kabbalah calls our world unreal or a dream. We perceive it through the part of Malchut that’s most detached from the Creator and has opposite qualities to Him. Each of our states may include several states described in the Torah, from different sections (times).

Related Material: Post: Time – Illusion or Reality? Post: The Machsom Can Be Crossed Individually and As a Group
Shamati Article #50: “Two States”

One Comment

  1. Thank you Rav. The Creator just revealed something wonderful.

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