How To Create A New Reality

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: This year in June, businessman Elon Musk again declared that humanity is living in a computer simulation and must create another imaging device that cannot be distinguished from reality, otherwise humanity will cease to exist.

Is he right? Does humanity need to restart the current simulator or must it create a new one? Or is there another way out?

Answer: It is possible to say that we are living within a simulator, in some matrix, but this cannot be proven. Only a person who exits this state and sees our situation from the outside can prove this.

The wisdom of Kabbalah makes it possible to do this. But it doesn’t belong to our state, to our creation at all. It is possible to say that people like Elon Musk are making the right assumptions, but all of the reasoning and the basis for these assumptions are built on our human psyche and psychology, all of which are connected to our world.

A person cannot devise anything that will not be a reflection of the reality that surrounds him. He cannot “draw” an extraterrestrial creature without hands, eyes, and so forth.

It is possible to say that we are in a matrix. We can exit it, move to another, moving through many such states. But in any case, it cannot be based upon something within our current psychology, because in any case, it will be an imagined image.

To tear us out of our own “I” requires an external force that will influence us and truly create new characteristics within us and we will have a new reality.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

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