The Guiding Thread Of Conventions

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the spring we will hold a convention in America, and we have to aspire to make its level be no lower than the international Convention in Tel Aviv that just took place. I hope its level will be even higher. All countries have to join this Convention so we will feel that we are together.

Even if not everyone will be able to come to the United States to attend this convention and even if it will have much fewer attendees, yet by virtue of our unification and preparation, we will try to attain an even higher state. We have to work hard to get there.

A person has to see that from one day to the next, he benefits more and more in relation to the connection that we attained. The point of adhesion, the drop of unity that we attained must now expand similar to how a drop of semen inside of the womb begins to develop and form into a fetus, a future embryo. With each passing day, it develops more and more. That is how we should see ourselves.

An embryo grows by virtue of the “meat,” meaning the desires, thoughts, doubts, and problems that deliberately come to us at every moment according to the program of creation. But we ascend above all of these problems that become revealed and attach all of them to one point of unity. That is how we form the body of the embryo.

This is already the body of our soul. We must only add more and more flesh to it. Now we are starting to prepare for the spring convention in America where we will spend a few days together again. It doesn’t matter who will be able to attend physically and who will join virtually. We will work throughout the next few months to get to this convention internally united.

We will see the extent to which this world will lose its significance, its might of desire and power. And on the contrary, the force of our unity will be unlimited and no boundaries will be able to separate me from the friends. That is how we will attain greater and greater unity.

But this will happen on the condition that we will work on this constantly, day by day, making it our objective that our next state, the American convention will bring us to a very powerful unity. That is how we will place the current objectives ahead of ourselves, like milestones on the path, and will work on them.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/11/11, Writings of Rabash

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