Entries in the 'Spiritual Teacher' Category

Different Degrees of Attainment

627.2Question: In his articles, Rabash refers to Rambam, then to his father and teacher, Baal HaSulam. Why doesn’t he speak for himself? It’s as if he relies on someone else. Has he not attained these degrees?

Answer: He cites the arguments and reasons of the great Kabbalists, on whom he can rely, and so can we.

Comment: But he went through these states anyway.

My Response: It is in your eyes that he has gone through everything, but not in his. For him, in any case, there is a difference between, say, Rambam and himself. These are different degrees of attainment.

Question: So should we study what the Rambam tells us?

Answer: In principle, what we read from Rabash’s writings is enough for us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Reason for which Israel Were Rewarded with Inheritance of the Land, in the Work?”

Related Material:
Who Are Rabash’s Articles For?
The Great Kabbalists And Their Works
Belonging To A Kabbalist

Finish the Work of Previous Generations

962.4Question: To what extent does how deeply we can understand the teacher and accept his methodology depend on us?

Answer: You need to accept that the implementation of the methodology you are studying depends on you and only on you.

Therefore, as long as you get closer to each other and unite more strongly with each other, you will be able to rise above the conditions that are set for you in order to achieve the goal of creation.

We are not that far from it. We just need to put our hearts and minds in order. We do not have much work left after what the previous great generations have already done.

In order to organize the heart and mind, we must overcome the little natural rejection that still remains in us and ensure that our hearts connect. Then the upper light will enter into them, and from this feeling we will attain everything.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot“

Related Material:
Torah—the Secret Code
Legacy Of The Ari
Generations X, Y, and Z, Part 3

Spiritual Contact Is Beyond the Physical Limits

961.2Question: Is it possible to reach the spiritual sensation of one another remotely, without physical contact?

Answer: We are very little, very limited, and very crude. Therefore, we still need physical contact for now. However, if my students can truly come out beyond the egoistic limitation, it will not matter where we will be.

Then if I die, I will still be together with them. Just like Ari told his disciples before he died: “If you reach the upper world, I will be teaching you. Thus, make an effort.”

He wrote that of all his disciples, only Chaim Vital could continue the study of Kabbalah. The rest of them should not even study because they did not understand him and did not come beyond the sensations of this world. Therefore, Chaim Vital was his only disciple who described and passed his method to us.

Thus, the most important thing is to come out beyond the frame of our world. After that, one can talk about any other methods of perception.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Power of the World Group” 12/2/11

Related Material:
Contact In A Force Field
A Lesson As Change Of States
Belonging To One Spiritual Organ

Dialogue with the Creator through Teachers and Friends

238.01Comment: When I want to ask a question, I immediately get an answer to it through my friends and through you. I experience such joy within. I want to thank you and the friends for the questions, and the Creator for this dialogue with Him.

My Response: Well done! Basically, everyone who asks questions should dig into themselves and find answers.

The fact is that I give an answer to all the questions that arise in my students. Not on those that we discuss on the Internet, but on those that are already spinning in our common Kli.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/28/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Pomegranate”

Related Material:
Advancement Through Questions And Answers
What Is A “Question” in Spirituality?
A Kaleidoscope Of Questions And Answers

Be Silent in order for the Heart to Speak

959Question: You keep saying that a conversation can be in silence, through the hearts. Can you explain what it is to “speak through your heart”?

Answer: It is through feelings. When you want to convey your feelings to a person and it is very difficult to find suitable words for that, then the best thing is to be silent.

This is not uncomfortable for each one. You just keep silent. Thus, gradually, you begin to understand each other without words. This is called a conversation of hearts.

Question: You said that you were often silent with your teacher. Did you not have a feeling that you had to say something?

Answer: No, absolutely none. You just sit and think next to him, and so does he.

Question: Did he not prompt you to say anything? Was there no such thing?

Answer: No, there is no need. There was no need to do anything. These are such feelings, such moments, when everything is clear. An internal contact takes place, the flow of feelings from one to the other and back, without words.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/21/23

Related Material:
Silence Preferred
The Exchange of Spiritual Information
Roaring Silence

Set the Intention

525Question: What is intention?

Answer: Intention helps you engage with me so that I can influence you more.

And if you bring me a gift, you will get more from me, not because I owe it to you, but because you will demand more from me! Then you will hear me more, feel me to be more obliged, and absorb more from me.

We are in a world where we can start interacting, literally from very primitive, simple egoistic relations, and even below egoistic, the most mundane. They will influence our spiritual relations with each other, the beginning of the spiritual perception.

Our world is wondrously created as a prerequisite for spiritual ascent; it is where you can begin developing completely from scratch without relating to the next world in any way!

Question: Within a Kabbalistic text, what does your intention mean, and how does it work?

Answer: I live in it, and you are in connection with me; therefore, it is all transmitted to you.

I make no intentions in regard to you; I just absorb the text. I am at the particular level this text writes about, and you, in relation to me, get a small part of it. After all, there is a need on your part to receive from me. Therefore you raise your desires to me, and I raise my desires to feel what the text says even higher, to the Kabbalist who wrote it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Set an Intention?” 12/3/11

Related Material:
The Intent Of The Creator
Intention Is Reflected Light
The Ship Of Our Intentions

Don’t Let Others Decide for You

961.2A student asked the master, “You said that if I understand who I am, I will become wise. But how do I do that?” The teacher replied, “To begin with, take away from people the right to decide who you are. One will say you are bad, and you will believe him and get upset. Another will say you are good, and you will rejoice. Whether they praise or criticize you, believe in you, or betray you, as long as they have the right to decide who you are, you won’t find yourself. Take away this right from them, and from me, too.” (Parable)

Question: Is it possible to be free from the opinions of others?

Answer: When I see how others judge the world, me, my teacher, and my science, it does, of course, sadden me to a great extent. But in principle, it does not last long or affect me significantly. I find a perfectly sensible answer to it.

Question: Doesn’t it motivate you to make changes?

Answer: No, not at all! That is long gone!

Comment: This means they can no longer change you.

My Response: No one can.

Question: Explain to someone who worries that any opinions can change him. How can he manage to stand firm, avoid all traps, criticism, and so on, and keep moving forward?

Answer: It may take years to achieve this. But I took this upon myself many years ago, and it no longer bothers me.

Question: So you latched onto a goal, a teacher, and that’s it? You couldn’t be swayed by any means?

Answer: By no means.

Question: So in reality, does a person need to hold onto something firmly?

Answer: Yes, to hold on tightly.

Question: Even when doubts arise?

Answer: Doubts come intentionally to make a person hold on.

Question: Is it possible to find oneself without the influence of others? After all, you had a teacher; there was an influence.

Answer: Without the influence of the teacher on me, I am nobody!

Question: But you were looking for someone who would influence you. How can you determine if it’s the right kind of influence you seek?

Answer: During the first few years with him, I still traveled, visited other places, and tried to find out what suited me.

Comment: You are talking about yourself right now.

My Response: Yes, about me and my teacher! And I asked him, “How do I know that you are real? In the thousands of years that Kabbalah has existed, how many like you have there been? Where are they, where are their students, and what happened to them?” He said, “I don’t know.”

Question: Is this called “teacher’s help” to answer like this: “I don’t know”?

Answer: Yes. You have to check for yourself.

Question: So, he doesn’t try to prove anything; he says, “Check it yourself”?

Answer: Exactly.

Question: So was his influence on you like this: “See if it suits you or not”?

Answer: We sit down, we read, we talk, but we don’t delve into anything personal.

Question: Does personal mean whether it’s your place or not?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So do these clarifications take quite a while for a person?

Answer: Gradually, you grab hold more and more, then let go, fall, and then rise and grab hold again. And like this you move forward.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/31/23

Related Material:
Rise Above the Influence of Society
How To Broaden Your Perception
Why Do We Perceive A Divided Reality?

Annulment before the Teacher

165Question: When we learn to annul ourselves before the teacher, do we learn to annul our egoism and do we become included in the upper degree? What is the spiritual meaning of this effort?

Answer: It is necessary to annul yourself before the teacher in order to understand what he says, accept what he says, and connect with what he says. These are natural things.

Question: How does adhesion with the teacher and with other Kabbalists happen?

Answer: It happens through the equivalence of qualities, like one friend with another. If you can become like a friend when you understand him, he understands you, and there are no differing opinions between you, then it turns out that you and he are as if in the same place, and therefore you come closer to each other.

Question: Can we say that the teacher is the Creator for us?

Answer: In general, yes. Because you receive from him the entire view of the Creator. The connection with the Creator happens through him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?“

Related Material:
Follow the Teacher
Following The Teacher Who Sees The Way
The Connection Between Teacher And Student

What Are We Correcting?

963.4Question: Where does suffering come from? What is its root? In Kabbalah, we study the light, the vessel, and the descent of light—the Creator’s desire to delight the creatures.

Answer: If you take part in the spiritual process, you take part in these pleasures. If not, the lack of pleasure drives you to participate in it. Look at yourself, the way you are spinning around in the world.

Question: Yes, I am driven by suffering. And the world? We can see where all this is leading it. Will people really understand anything based on the current events?

Answer: I do not know if they will understand or not. At the same time, the Creator gives the solution, He corrects the conditions of the problem. Then, it is even more difficult to reach a solution.

Question: We have learned that in the past, the Temples were destroyed as a consequence of breaking some degrees in the spiritual worlds. What are we correcting now?

Answer: Now we are correcting people. We must show them the way to the right state, then we will stop engaging the bad forces of nature, they will not crush or destroy us because we will act correctly. This way we will quickly come to a correction.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

Related Material:
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering
Why Do We Feel Suffering?
What Is The Meaning Behind Suffering

Between Multiple Authorities and a Singular Authority

165Question: How can we enter under the authority of a teacher in order to move by this to the authority of the upper?

Answer: To do it, you need to be in connection with your friends and then compare how connected you are with them, with the teacher, and with the Creator. All this connects together: Israel, the Torah, and the Creator are one.

Question: In the Shamati article “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?”, Baal HaSulam writes that there are multiple authorities and there is the authority of the Creator, the singular authority. According to the teacher’s advice, we should be in wholeness, in connection. How can we oppose multiple authorities with the authority of the Creator at every moment of time?

Answer: Think about it all the time.

Question: Can we win this battle by constantly changing multiple authorities over us and finally come to “together”?

Answer: Of course! By the way, this is not so difficult. It is harder to start and get organized, after that moving forward is no longer a problem. That is, of course it is a problem, but it is no longer such enormous work.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati 10 “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?“

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The Place For Revelation Of The Creator
A Spiritual Orientation Toward The Creator
The Three Components Of The Ascent