Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart

944First of all, we must reveal who we are, that is, that we belong not just to the inanimate, vegetative, and animate world, but to the global system of nature, which is all integral, connected, and interdependent. We exist under the control of one force that acts on us from above without asking us because it has a predetermined program.

Even before we appeared on the degree of this world according to its decision, it was already planned that we would depend on each other as one man with one heart in order to reveal these connections. Precisely because we are so different, disconnected, distant, and opposite, but we yearn to connect above all our differences, we assemble from these opposites a mechanism that will be called “Come and See” (Bo-Reh), the Creator.

Since we are created beings, we advance by revealing everything from the contrast of opposites, like black on a white background; otherwise, we would not be able to examine, study, and perceive different qualities.

Therefore, the further humanity develops, the greater separation we feel, and eventually we start to hate and repel each other. Development always takes place along two lines: left and right. First, the left line is revealed: dislike, hatred, and enmity. Then we realize the essence of creation, its correction, and that the Creator alone controls the two lines, both left and right.

Then we begin to come closer to each other and connect to such an extent that we become like one man with one heart.

All corrections take place in two stages: the left line and the right line. This is how the heart beats; it operates in two directions: pumping blood and pushing it out. If we act in this way without interrupting the stream flowing in both directions, in and out, inside the heart and inside our life, then only in this form do we feel our reality and the reality of the Creator, and in this movement we feel ourselves and our life.

Therefore, we have to work on connecting into one ten. Although each of us is able to perform only one partial action, we still work together like parts in an engine that perform different functions but for the sake of one goal, one action, and a common result.

This is exactly how we need to see the world Kabbalistic group, as one body where everyone is focused on the purpose of creation and everyone is ready to do everything to reach it to the extent of their understanding of their role, feelings, and the abilities given to them from the general system of creation.

Therefore, the main thing is to connect for common action. In this connection, no one is similar to the other, but everyone is working to reach a common goal. We are very different in this work, and the differences will only increase. This is how the disciples of Rabbi Shimon at first did not feel the differences between them, and when they advanced, they sometimes wanted to kill each other.

So, as we develop, we discover our confrontation and opposition, the distance between us. But when we reach connection, we reveal in it all the qualities of the Creator and all of His nature from the side of creation by becoming like Him and merging with His nature.

Therefore, the path of correction is connection in one ten, a correct union. By completing each other in the ten, everyone reaches perfection. The Creator builds out of us the structure of a man, Adam, similar to Him. This system becomes such that the Creator dresses into it and is revealed to all parts of creation, to all souls. This is His purpose in relation to all created beings.

After the connection we reached at the congress, no matter which parts of the world we go to, we should feel like parts of the same body that are completing each other. We need to be connected with each other like a mother who feels her children and what is happening to them even if they are far away, and she thinks about them all the time. Our connection must be even stronger because we belong to a spiritual body.

If we yearn for such a connection, we will reveal the upper reality that exists in an eternal and perfect form above this corporeal reality that is revealed within us now.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/22/23, “Preparing for the opening of the heart at the Congress”

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