Unshakable Sense of Justice

514.02Question: Did your teacher have a developed sense of justice?

Answer: Yes, Rabash had impulses to defend his point of view—and quite strongly. Especially when he saw arrogance on the path, he never gave in. Calmly, according to the laws, he demanded what was his. Everything should be fair. The sense of demanding justice was very deep in him. He did not give in.

Question: Is this a human quality or a principle of a Kabbalist?

Answer: I think it is a principle. Sometimes it cost him a lot of nerves and even maybe inconveniences. But he could not help but stand up for justice.

Question: What about you?

Answer: I think I have the same thing and even more. I still bully—and often—if there is such an opportunity.

It depends on how you see insolence, impudence, obvious neglect, contempt, swagger, and all other egoistic pranks. If they are a result of the natural development of a person, like a small child, then you do not focus on them because that is how he or she is, still has to develop, and nothing can be done. This is a natural manifestation of the forces that the Creator has given us.

And if this is not a natural development, if a person wants to subjugate others in this way and uses it for evil and deliberately harms people, then it is very unpleasant to see. I would be happy to stop such people.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Secret Powers of the Kabbalist”  10/25/13

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