The Right Attitude To Shame

627.2Question: How can we use human shame correctly?

Answer: First we need to study this quality well so that we can unlock it and become free from it, free from our egoistic or mental animal shame.

I must say that the new generation is already moving toward this. It does not recognize various external attributes, such as beautiful clothes or far-fetched salon appeals. Young people can wear T-shirts, shorts, and worn sandals. They are more outspoken; they do not hide behind an ostentatious state of success or behind an ostentatious order, and so on.

Meaning, they do not hide. “Life is s—t, there is nothing good in this state!” They have everything in a somewhat nihilistic form, but in general, they are not afraid to open up and be frank. This is very good.

There are great prerequisites for starting to properly master the attitude to shame in groups of these people. ”Shame should not be for who I am and what I am. If you don’t like something about me, then tell those who made me. And not even to my parents, but to some forces of nature. This is how I was born, this is how I was brought up, a certain amount was invested in me in some way, and here’s the product for you—this is me. I look at myself and am dissatisfied with myself. But what can be done?”

In order for us to somehow redo all this, first of all we need to understand that we should not blame ourselves for who we are. We should not be proud and wear it like a badge, “That’s what I am, I’m tearing my shirt off! Look, I spit on myself!”

There were such philosophies in the past and they still remain today. This humiliation of oneself causes some kind of rise, as if, above oneself.

We need to properly relate to egoism and to ourselves so as to separate what is given to me from what I have to do myself. And what I have to do myself is just to connect with a group of people where I create the right relationship between us. Kind, correct relationships with love will cause the appearance of an upper degree among us, an upper force—the Creator.

This is our next degree, which we must discover and exist on. Our existence will consist in that we will increasingly accumulate strength and good mutual connections between us. And this next degree will manifest itself more and more along all 125 degrees that are possible in it, along a spiral.

In this way we will rise to our complete correction, to the world of infinity. But from the very first minimal degree, from the emergence of the right good connection between us, we will already begin to feel that we are outside the material world. And this degree is waiting for us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. If you’re ashamed” 10/11/09

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