Recognize the Need for Unity

962.2World history is the history of states; the history of states is the history of wars (Oswald Spengler)

Question: Why are nations and states not the same thing?

Answer: The state is not the people. And although Louis XIV said “I am the state.” this is not so.

The people are the people, i.e., a mass united by some common idea that disintegrates and forms again like a cloud of birds joining and again flying apart in the sky.

Moreover, it is necessary to consider what exactly they have in common. In some ways they can be the nation; in some ways they are absolutely not.

Question: According to Kabbalah, there are 70 peoples of the world or 70 spiritual roots. But in reality, we see that now there are about 200 independent states in the world.

Is peace achieved between peoples or between states? How can we evolve to peace correctly?

Answer: There are a huge number of people, nations, groups, and nationalities in the world. In general, all this is an absolutely broken concept, which has nothing unifying in it.

When people begin to realize their state and want to bring it into something similar to the absolute, then they will compare their nature with the property of absolute connection and absolute love. Such an understanding of the absolute will be identified with the highest form of government.

Then it will be possible to say of the relative absolute that this is a property of bestowal, love, and connection. It will be possible to speak about the levels of nations, groups, and peoples—how close or far each of them is from the property of absolute connection with others, above all contradictions, opposites, and antagonistic properties.

So far we do not even have any instruments for how to approach this, measure it, and offer some kind of table that can be used to calculate the absence of unification and how to come to it. In humanity, this has not yet completely erupted.

Question: Is the process of separation, which is now taking place at completely different levels: peoples, states, economy, politics, relations, still going on?

Answer: Yes, like children playing in a sandbox with absolutely no rules. We just need to study well, at least from a distance, theoretically how much we need to unite.

Question: But we have not yet approached the unification itself either mentally or in our sense?

Answer: Unfortunately, there is no movement toward this yet.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 3/4/22

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