From Physical Suffering to Suffering of Love

294.2Question: You wrote in your blog that the Coronavirus is nothing yet. There are more serious viruses in store for us, next-generation viruses that will affect our psyche, psychology, and bring chaos to the world.

Why? Won’t our work somewhat affect the positive outcome of events? Or are there things in the world that cannot be stopped in any way? We still keep moving forward, and you said that in the near future, at least one ten will break into spirituality.

Answer: If one ten breaks through—all of them will break through. This is first of all.

Secondly, we will, of course, be able to convert all future viruses into positive ones, and I am sure we will do this.

But we must understand that humanity’s development is the development of egoism. It goes on and sometimes gives positive results. However, all the positive results have run out, and there are only negative results in store for us. No matter how wonderful science or technology is, we no longer expect anything good from technological progress; humanity has finished this path.

Now it’s up to us. Therefore, Baal HaSulam writes that we are in the last generation, that is, in the generation when egoism has reached such a state that it must be corrected. That is what we are doing.

I do not think that we will be able to completely stop viruses because humanity still needs a “whip” to push them, to somehow make them aware of the insignificance of their nature and state and the need to do something.

It must be understood that suffering itself, no matter how unpleasant it may be, purifies a person. This is an undesirable path, but when it happens, it is still a cleansing. It causes one to awaken and start thinking about what he should do.

That is, suffering is useful, only it should not be physical, but the suffering of love when I have a feeling that I can achieve a connection with the Creator, but for some reason, I have not yet achieved it. Such a suffering of love is very useful. Let us try to have only this suffering.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Sweet Suffering Of Love
The Path Of Light Versus The Path Of Suffering
A Yearning For Love Instead Of Suffering And Hatred

The Measure of Unity between Souls

944Question: Baal HaSulam writes that only in the measure of unity with other souls is the common soul attained. What is this measure of unity?

Answer: The measure of unity is determined by the fact that, despite the egoism that separates us, we try to unite, think the same way, imagine the same way, and strive for the same goal.

Alike does not mean that we have to be like soldiers. No! We must try to come to a common goal, to a common path, to common steps, but each based on his or her own nature. This is the connection.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/20, “The Ten”

Related Material:
Going Up The Levels Of Unity – Until Infinity
Assemble All the Sparks of the Soul
The Opportunity To Reach Unity

Put it into Practice

243.07Question: What is prayer for a friend?

Answer: What you feel in your heart, how much you need your friends to be together with you in one thought, in one desire, in one aspiration to the Creator, this is your prayer. Think this way all the time: from desire to intention to the Creator. You should be able to do it.

Basically, each of you knows the theory, you just have to try to put it into practice. After all, you have already gone through a lot, talked, and studied. It is time to implement this somehow.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
In Prayer for a Friend
A Request from the Common Heart
If I Get Sick I Will Turn To The Friends

How Can I Enter the Spiritual World?

608.02Comment: I have a great desire to enter the spiritual world as soon as possible in order to bestow to others. However, you say that for people with heavy egoism, it takes a long time to ascend into spirituality, but you rise to a higher degree.

How can I resolve this contradiction in feelings that on one hand, I want to hurry up, on the other hand, I want to rise high?

My Response: The fact is that you want it egoistically, which is why you have contradictions. And if you do it altruistically, then you will see that there are absolutely no obstacles in front of you.

You can already feel yourself in the spiritual world, but only to the extent of your bestowal.

I am not trying to confuse you with ambiguous hints, but I am speaking directly. Maybe it hurts a person’s ears when I say, “Do you want spirituality? Please bestow.” It sounds very harsh, but it’s true.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Get Out Of The Black Box And Enter The Spiritual World
To Be A Complete Zero
The Spiritual World Is Felt Through The Desires Of Others

Become a Master of Your Craft

938.03Question: Is my task to serve the ten and create the conditions for all the nine friends to unite?

Answer: By doing this you are serving yourself, and not them. Your egoism seems to tell you that you are you, and they are them. In reality, they are the spiritual “you.”

Question: I understand that all my actions regarding the ten come from the mind, from pure calculation, and not from the heart. How can I learn to ask for strength from the ten to move on?

Answer: First of all, asking is good. On the other hand, you must understand that gradually from your efforts you will develop all kinds of feelings, thoughts, and connection with them. You will begin to understand how to quickly create contact with them, and you will become a master of your craft.

Suppose, when you start working with some kind of material or some unknown construct, you do not understand much. But gradually you get a feeling of what you are working with, what it really is.

In the same way, we do not yet have an understanding or feeling of what a ten is. And when you start working with one group, another one, and still another one, trying to gradually connect to them, a structure of this object will begin to get created inside you. In this way, you will begin to feel within yourself what a spiritual Kli is.

You will have a grasp, an understanding, of how the ten changes. Therefore, try to be in different tens all the time. The main thing is to begin to connect. Anyway, all of us, all of humanity are one big ten. So there is no problem being in different states.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Society Of The Future: Glory Of Bestowal
Between The Friends
So That The Heart Would Truly Love a Friend

The Dilemma Humanity Faces

115.06Question: How do we find that point where we can interact among ourselves on the level of desires and aspiration toward the Creator rather than on the level of bodies and characters?

Answer: We do not speak at all about the animal body. It has no relation to spiritual work because it belongs to the level of our world. We do not speak about our characters because the Creator assembles us. This is His “problem.” He created us with these characters and gathered us together just the way we are, so that we understand that we can unite only with His help.

Moreover, He gathers very difficult people: nervous, angry, nit-picking ones that are inclined to criticize. Kabbalists in all times were the most dreadful people, the biggest egoists. Otherwise they would not demand knowledge of the meaning of life, its cause, its source. For this, a great egoistic desire is necessary.

These are people who cannot think about anyone but themselves. Not that they are rude or cruel, no. That is just how they are inside. And it is they who begin to reveal that they cannot unite but must do so.

Here arises a dilemma that humanity faces. If we do not unite, then eventually we will come to destruction. Look at what is happening today, what frictions between everyone, what calculations. Horror! So many sources of all sorts of conflicts!

The Creator deliberately awakens this among us so that we understand that there can be nothing better than unity. But we cannot unite. We do not even think about it because we understand that it is pointless, that every state cares only about itself. Moreover, within each state there are dozens of currents, parties, that tear it apart. Human society is tearing itself apart from within by its egoism.

And here we must demonstrate that against egoism there is a force that can unite us. In general, everyone agrees that revealing such a force is good. We just need to show through our own example that this is possible.

And then we will be able to convince humanity not theoretically and not with beautiful words, to aspire toward mutual guarantee too; we will show how it works. Otherwise, no one will take us seriously. This is what we must do.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
How Does the Egoistic Mind Become Spiritual?
Let’s Turn the World to Goodness
Connection—Above Everything

Working with a Random Ten

938.03Question: What does it mean to get together with another ten? There is some confusion here, and it is unclear where to move.

Answer: What’s the difference. The main thing is that this is a group of people to whom you want to nullify. You don’t need to know them much to do this. They also have the same intentions, movements, and plans as you. So try it.

Then you will begin to feel that you and they have movement toward unification, and you will start to unite your intentions, thoughts, and desires, which will collect in you. You will divide them into receiving, bestowing, intentions, and actions. And so everything will go further. You know, just like in relationships between people, you will have such connections.

And it doesn’t matter that the ten will be new every time. On the contrary, it is good. You can achieve a lot if you work hard on yourself.

Question: What conditions and forces are needed to achieve self-annulment?

Answer: No conditions except desire. Any person who feels such internal pressure within himself can achieve this, and he does not need anything for this, only those properties in it and the group in front of it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Ten Is a Device that Captures the Spiritual Field
The Ten—A Device For Revealing The Creator
The Ten Is The Violin Of The Creator

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/30/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 54”

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3rd part of the Lesson – “Teachings of the Fathers,” “Mishna, Pirkei Avot,” Chapter 3, Item 16

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Selected Highlights

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