Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/22/24

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Connection above Egoism

144All of us, all of humanity, originate from one common desire that shattered into tiny particles, and each of them represents one of us. Therefore, we must reconnect these particles.

To the extent that we can rise above each person’s egoism and start working on our desires toward a collective connection to become similar to the Creator, the Creator will be able to clothe in us as we get closer to each other.

That is what we need to achieve. Essentially, this is the subject of the wisdom of Kabbalah. It explains how we ended up in our current state, how we can connect into a single system, and how the Creator fills us as we unite into this system.

In this process, our egoism does not disappear; it develops even further, and we must connect above it despite its presence. Then, we will represent a single unified desire composed of many desires.

Our connection is always above egoism. As egoism grows, we must rise even higher to unite our aspirations. Thus, egoism is called “help against you” because it pushes us toward greater unity, and in this way, we can reveal the Creator even more between us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Work Within and Above Egoism
To Rise Above The Ego
If We Want To Rise Above Our Egoism And Achieve Interconnection, Love, And Interaction

How to become Righteous in the Family?

294.2Question: How can one become righteous in the family?

Answer: Make an agreement with your wife, and she will turn you into a righteous. I am speaking quite seriously. If the wife wants to, she will systematically influence her husband in every matter, in every action, and he will involuntarily correct himself.

Question: We learn that everyone goes through ascents and descents. Presumably, a woman does too. She may not always be able to influence her husband. What should be done during these moments of decline?

Answer: Of course, mutual effort is necessary here as both want to make their family correct and righteous so that their children become the same.

Therefore, go ahead and act, and you will succeed.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 5/14/24

Related Material:
How to Become Righteous
There Is A Woman Behind Every Successful Man
A Man And A Woman – Mutual Completion

The Paradox of Development

737.01People differ from animals in that in addition to desires for food, sex, shelter, and procreation, they also have so-called social desires for wealth, power, and knowledge, which can be satisfied at the expense of the surrounding society.

These additional social desires called the human desires of our world can be either directed toward subjugating society, suppressing it, being above it, or toward raising oneself, one’s development, in the likeness of nature, in adhesion with the environment, in connection with society for its benefit.

And here a paradox arises: when I act for the benefit of society, I begin to feel everything that is in it, inside me, and I enrich myself internally. And if I exploit people around me, then I do not rise above them, but on the contrary, being on my animal level, I suppress human qualities in them.

This is where the difference appears in what a man spends his additional desires on. He does it either to improve his corporeal life—create comfort for himself, supposedly take care of the environment, develop engineering, technology, and so on—or none of this simply matters to him.

For him, only internal development matters—how to realize himself. After all, how many years does he live on this earth? Anyway, his body will rot, his house will fall apart, etc. Why should he think about something that is transitory? He should think about the eternal! About what he can develop in himself and what he really can achieve the next stage, his eternal state, which is realized only in our world.

Precisely in contrast to his preferences: “What should I turn myself into: for the benefit of others or for their detriment? For the benefit of my animal or spiritual state? So that I reach the Creator and become similar to Him through love for my neighbor or so that I love myself and indulge myself in everything until the last moment of my life? This is the choice!

But the choice is precisely in relation to the desires that are beyond necessities. Nobody talks about how much I should eat or sleep. I should not live in a cave. I must have a family, normal food, and clothes. That is all. Nothing more is said about this. It is said: “Where are you heading other than this?”

Man’s freedom of will consists in preferring the choice of activities. This is what determines whether he is a spiritual or an earthly person.

People who strive for spirituality feel haunted by the question about the meaning of life. A person must answer it; otherwise, he feels no point in living. In other words, there is no point in using one’s qualities to become rich, powerful, or even smart. So what? I will die and that is it. Why waste my life on this?

And many do not want to. They either fall into depression, drugs, and even alcoholism, or they are still looking for a way out.

And here comes a kind of luck, a quality of fate that leads them to the method of revealing their correct realization.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Dead-end Path of Human Development” 1/24/12

Related Material:
A New Stage in Human Development
The Next Phase Of Human Development
The End Of Human Development Or A New Beginning?

Woman’s Prerogative

565.02Question: The Midrash Rabbah says: “She went and married a wicked man, and she turned him righteous.” Why can a woman make one righteous and another wicked?

Answer: This is not really a question for me. The point is that in the end, everything depends on the woman. If she wants, she will control her husband in such a way that he will become a righteous man.

Question: Does the woman decide for herself, or does the Creator direct her this way?

Answer: We do not know that. It is not important. The main thing is that the husband sees her instructions.

Question: What if he does not see her instructions?

Answer: This means that she does not act, does not put pressure on him. Every woman can influence her man. We believe that the man is the leader in the family, that he is in charge of everything, but this is only how it seems to us.

This can be compared to a very beautiful car the appearance of which everyone admires but no one looks at the engine inside. A woman is such an engine

Question: Can a man somehow influence a woman if he also wants to become a righteous person or if they want this together?

Answer: If they want it together, then maybe. There are many different tricks here. But basically, this is the prerogative of women.

Question: So you need to adapt to “her voice”?

Answer: You cannot say that you need to adapt. That is just how life works. But if they both decided to become righteous, then mutual work certainly takes place between them.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 5/14/24

Related Material:
A Lot Depends on Woman
We Can Only Rely On Women
The Power of Female Desires