Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/26/24

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Scrutiny in Spiritual Work

235Question: Why do true and false relate only to my scrutiny, while sweet and bitter relate to my corrections? How does this happen?

Answer: When we approach true corrections, it turns out this way for us—true and false, bitter and sweet.

Question: How does the scrutiny of true and false relate to faith above reason?

Answer: Faith above reason helps us identify those egoistic desires we can correct with an intention for the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False”

Related Material:
Truth and Verity
The Bridge Connecting The Truth And Lie
Choosing The Sweet Bitterness Of Truth

The Need For Spirituality

032.01Question: Should each person take care of his own desire for the Creator, or should we ignite desire for spirituality in the ten?

Answer: Do not wait for igniting the desire. If you have no need for spirituality, then there is no point in studying Kabbalah at all.

When you start to cool down, you must integrate with your friends, obey them, and then they will pull you along with them.

Question: What desires can be taken from the world and attributed to the Creator?

Answer: Any, because it is all His work.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Order of the Work”

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What Is A Spiritual Necessity?
Find What We Are Missing
How To Raise The Importance Of Spirituality

The Greatness of the Upper

255Question: What is the perfect fulfillment from the upper that grows faith and bestowal in us?

Answer: When we open up to the Creator and wish to receive what He gives us, we gradually begin to feel all kinds of influences from Him.

That is how faith (Emuna) and reason (Daat) form in us, and then faith is higher than reason (Emuna lemala mi haDaat).

Question: The upper conceals himself so that the lower can appreciate him. How can we cultivate the greatness of the upper to acquire new Kelim?

Answer: Nurturing the greatness of the upper is a separate job. But you should at least tune yourself to what the upper says is holy and you want to follow it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

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What Is Greatness Of The Creator?
The Greatness Of The Creator
Strengthen In The Greatness Of The Creator

Toward Greater Mutual Understanding

254.01Question: Is it possible to simplify the Kabbalistic methodology even more?

Answer: I am sure that it is possible. However, I am not able to lower it below today’s level.

But I think that my students will eventually be able to do this, and on the other hand, the world will come closer to understanding the methodology. The world will approach from below and rise to the Kabbalists, and they will descend to the world. And as a result, a greater understanding will come.

Question: How can we avoid all kinds of misconceptions? After all, a huge number of currents can develop.

Answer: It does not matter. You cannot do anything. We see that after Rabash several branches were also formed, but life still takes its toll, especially in our time when everything is accelerating so much.

Everything quickly comes out, and the world sorts out the schemes it needs. And then the revelation of evil happens very quickly.

Therefore, although I am sure that some of the students will follow completely wrong paths, the bulk will still stick together. They will become the group that will follow this path further.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Will Remain after Laitman?” 1/26/12

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The Time Of Grandsons Is Here

Help from the Creator

202.0Question: The more I progress, the more my imperfection is revealed. Is this the Creator’s help?

Answer: Yes. The fact that the Creator reveals more and more imperfections to you is His help to you. Thank Him for that.

Question: What is this point that feels shame at the difference in qualities with the Creator?
If our qualities are opposite to Him, where does shame come from?

Answer: Shame comes from above. The Creator sends it in a form and portion that you need to feel to rise to the next level.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Who Comes to Purify”

Related Material:
Shame Is a Separate Creation of the Creator
Shame Is A Beneficial Quality
Shame—Help In Correction

A Sign of Approaching the Creator

528.01Question: The more we become involved in studying and with the ten, the more we feel our lack. We move on only by understanding that we are still far from the Creator. Is that correct?

Answer: No, it is wrong. Advancement consists of revealing evil in each of you and the entire ten, and to the extent it is revealed, you are getting closer to the Creator and not moving away.

The fact that you feel more and more opposite to the Creator speaks precisely about your approach to the Creator.

Question: How can we raise prayers to the Creator for correction if egoism conceals the necessity to correct ourselves? Where can we get strength and depth?

Answer: Through friends, through the connection between you; you have to get it from each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Who Comes to Purify”

Related Material:
The First Condition For Approaching The Creator
How Does The World Feel The Approach Of The Creator?
Meeting The Creator On The Steps Of The Ladder

The Mind in Service of Desires

198Question: How does the mind accept a different perception of reality? You often say that mind is harmful. But on the other hand, it helps.

Answer: The mind serves desires. If desires are aimed at striving toward the goal of creation, toward balance with nature, with the Creator, then this mind is beneficial. It should be activated, developed, stimulated.

But if the mind is directed toward harming others, then of course it needs to be somehow tamed because it leads us backward.

That is, if a person is overwhelmed by any animalistic passions, it does not matter. The main thing is for the mind, which belongs to the human level, to be directed toward achieving unity with creatures and merging with nature, with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The World as We don’t Know it” 1/12/12

Related Material:
Mind, Desire, and Intention
The Mind Is A Servant Of The Desires
Balance the Feelings and the Mind

Questions about Spiritual Work—124

560Question: How does the scrutiny in the mind affect our heart when we attain some truth transmitted to us by the sages? Conversely, how does it affect the mind if the heart figures out what is sweet and bitter?

Answer: This is how it happens because a person feels bitter and sweet in parallel with truth and false.

Question: How can the Creator hate if He is kind and loving? Where does the hatred come from?

Answer: We say in human language that the Creator hates or loves so we can better understand each other.

Question: The light came and left, and the memory remained. Are we working with this memory when we figure out the categories of true-false or bitter-sweet?

Answer: Yes, this memory is called a Reshimo (an information, spiritual record).

Question: Is there a difference between bringing contentment to the Creator and taking care of the Creator? And how do you find your sincere concern for the Creator and not for yourself?

Answer: True work for the sake of the Creator can only happen after correcting our common Kli. Therefore, it is good that you are thinking, worrying, and caring about it now.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—123
Questions about Spiritual Work—122
Questions about Spiritual Work—121

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/26/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 8”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Sulam Commentary,” Item 7

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Selected Highlights

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