Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/24/24

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Mistakes Develop

243.03Question: Should a person necessarily learn through mistakes?

Answer: There is no other way since comprehension is possible only when you understand two opposites in combination.

You must simultaneously perform analysis, separation, synthesis, and combination. It is only when you do all that you get an understanding of what is going on.

Otherwise, there are no feelings. The fact is that I want to feel something I do not have. It is not in me, and I have a negative attitude toward it. When I receive it, then I feel it in me.

But, it is in me. There is me with my desire and something that fills this desire. Then, two opposite objects know what one without the other and one with the other mean. It is what comprehension consists of.

It is the same in our world, everywhere, in everything. That is why we always give children a variety of exercises and present them with all sorts of difficulties so that they collect, build, and develop.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mistakes Develop” 2/7/12

Related Material:
How To Fix Mistakes Not Yet Made
Education Out of Love
The Purpose Of The Game Called “Life”

Universal Soul

115.05Question: How can you explain what the upper world is to a person?

Answer: It is impossible to explain. I can only say one thing: what you are feeling right now, you are feeling in your desires. Your current desires are very, very small.

You can feel the upper world only by expanding your desires through connecting them with others. That is, you unite all the hearts and all the minds of the world next to the desires within yourself to realize these desires. And so does everyone.

Then every one, having gathered the whole world within, connects with others. And then, representing the union squared, each one connects with everyone once again. That is already the third spiritual degree. And there are 125 such degrees. In other words, it is the multiple incorporation of souls embedded into each other.

Imagine what a powerful feeling one achieves when you simply absorb everything that the world can absorb, all hearts and all minds. And then it all increases by the square power, fourth power, and so on.
Thus, a collective consciousness forms—the common soul, Adam. And its power has no quantitative expression.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Feeling of the Creator” 2/2/12

Related Material:
Where Is The Upper World?
Everyone Will Discover The Upper World
The Upper World Is A World Of Information

“Who Comes to Purify”

562.01“He who comes to purify is aided.” This means that one should always be in a state of “coming”  (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 131 “Who Comes to Purify”).

A person should always check whether he has something to turn to the Creator with.

The Creator is only waiting for a request for correction. This is a pleasure for Him, this is the best state for Him.

Therefore, as soon as we find out what needs to be corrected, we need to check ourselves and turn to the Creator.

Question: What does it mean: I have been aided to get purified?

Answer: You are helped from above by being pulled up.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Who Comes to Purify”

Related Material:
Help with the Holy Soul
Hold on to Every Moment of the Path
Asking For Correction Of Our Own Freewill

How Can You Verify the Authenticity of Bestowal?

243.01Question: How can you verify the authenticity of bestowal when habit becoming second nature brings it to automatism?

Answer: Bestowal cannot be brought to automatism because to perform the act of bestowal one must halt the automatic act of receiving and reorient oneself.

Question: If bestowal seems very sweet to me while the egoism in which I exist seems bitter, what is my work in the heart?

Answer: The work is in making egoism appear so bitter to you that you no longer wish to be in it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False”

Related Material:
Bestowal—a Special Perception of the World
The Rhythm Of Life Between Reception And Bestowal
Bestowal Should Become Fashionable

Don’t Be Ashamed of the Creator

514.02Question: How can you open up to the Creator if shame for your imperfection does not allow you to do this?

Answer: These are your corrections. The Creator already knows everything. You cannot hide anything from Him, only from yourself.

Therefore, relax and imagine yourself naked in front of the Creator. You do not have to be ashamed of him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Who Comes to Purify”

Related Material:
Shame Is a Separate Creation of the Creator
Shame Is A Beneficial Quality
Spiritual Shame

Correct the Heart

571.01Question: Why is there such a complex system in our spiritual work: men’s tens, women’s tens, and a lot of different books that need to be studied?

Answer: This is only necessary in order to correct the heart.

We need so many books and courses because we are too entangled in ourselves.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 4/2/24

Related Material:
How Can We Correct The Stony Heart?
Learning not with the Mind but with the Heart
Breaking The Iron Wall In The Heart

The Function of a Kabbalist Teacher

945Question: Is your function to provide information to your students?

Answer: It is not just information. I give out the energy that builds you, each one in his own personal form.

This energy is not formed in any way because you form it, each one for yourself.

It is like manna from heaven: one wants barbecue, the second wants porridge with milk, the third wants compote, and so on. And everyone feels in this manna from heaven what they want. Everything depends on one’s vessels, i.e., on his desires.

I feed you this manna, and you digest it within yourself and create your own cognition, comprehension, sensation, and research tools.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. One Word—a Million Meanings” 1/8/12 

Related Material:
Practicing Kabbalist
How To Start Hearing The Teacher
“Things That Come From The Heart, Enter The Heart”

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/24/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 4”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Sulam Commentary,” Item 6

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Selected Highlights

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