Why Are Books Better?

527.06Studying primary sources is the main thing in Kabbalah because great Kabbalists wrote them. We recommend using the works of such pillars of Kabbalah as Baal HaSulam, Rabash, Ari, and Rashbi.

Question: We have a whole sea of ​​different information in our heads. How can we clear our perceptions when reading our primary sources?

Answer: Shake your head so that all sorts of evil thoughts and information fly away.

Question: We have amazing books by Ramchal, Rambam, and others. Is it possible to read them individually if you want to, even though we do not study these books in class? Or does it distance us from the group?

Answer: No, this is not moving away from the group. These books can be studied. But avoid getting carried away with them instead of our lessons. That is when alienation can occur, although in principle it will not take you away from the purpose of creation. These are true books.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Looking in the Book Again”

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