The Unique Attitude Toward Literacy

270Comment: In ancient times many people did not know how to read. Apart from Jews, virtually no one had books.

My Response: But the Torah does not address other nations. It was written in Hebrew. Since then, nothing has changed, not a single letter or shape. A unique book called Tikkun Sofrim allows you to check texts.

People who copied the Torah first had to study the shapes of the letters and correct spelling. Therefore, everything stayed the same for generations. If you find a book written 2,000 years ago, the letters will have the same shape today.

Comment: Other nations did not teach children to read and write until almost the 19th century.

My Response: Yes, but it was not like that for the Jews. Their children started studying at three years old and even earlier. Usually, a school was located in the house of one of the teachers.

Comment: That is why we envy Jews; they are so bright.

My Response: This is not intelligence; it is simply working on yourself. In earlier times, there were practically no other books. Therefore, people knew the Torah by heart. This is an entirely different attitude to life than the current one.

Question: What mission did women perform if only boys were studying?

Answer: Women practically could not read and only listened to conversations held for them.

Question: But at the same time, the wisdom of a Jewish woman is unique. I have a feeling that she is very different from others.

Answer: Yes, but not because they studied a lot. Of course, they knew by heart what was written in the Torah. This is how the Creator decreed it and how they carried it out for thousands of years. This approach led to notable development in people’s memory and attitude toward writing, science, and nature.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Looking in the Book Again”

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