Yielding that Does Not Lead to a Common Connection

627.2Yielding [on the part of the husband or wife] is not regarded as love in wholeness, for the one who yields always waits for when he will regain the power of control (Rabash, Article 240, “Discernments in States”).

Yielding, which does not lead to absolute connection, is called imperfect. Therefore, such a connection is also not considered perfect; it lacks love.

Love is a state with similar aspirations on both sides and both spouses assume they are aiming toward a common center where they merge and achieve perfection.

Question: How does the yielding that Rabash talks about differ from concessions, which you mentioned? Is it some other function?

Answer: Concessions can be made out of love or can be based on other calculations. Any calculations in yielding, other than love, are not good.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

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