What Does the Persistence of a Desire Lead To?

546.02Question: What is the impetus for thought? What is this force that sets a thought into action?

Answer: It is the force of desire. Our desires control our thoughts.

And it may be the opposite, that thoughts control our desires.

Question: How do we convey the idea to the Creator that we only want to merge with Him?

Answer: We need to think more about this. The more you think about something, the more important that object becomes in your eyes. You turn to the Creator with it, and the Creator helps you. The most important thing is to be in constant desire for something.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is a Result of the Desires”

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Thoughts And Desires
Thoughts Are A Means To Satisfy Our Desires
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