What Does It Mean to Rush on the Spiritual Path?

200.01Question: Baal HaSulam’s article in Shamati 248 says that “He who rushes—gains.” What is one who rushes?

Answer: A quick person is a person who wants to strengthen his or her actions in coming closer to others. He does not wait for his friend to love him but tries to be the first to love the friend, as it is said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The one who acts quickly, looking for ways to come closer to his friends, is always ahead.

Question: The sources say that the Creator is the first and the Creator is the last. Does my effort between the first and the last help in being quick?

Answer: Your work is to try to love your friends and the Creator with all your strength and desires.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Let His Friend Begin”

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