Cultivate Rapprochement

022Question: Now it has become noticeable that someone is already more ready for internal relationships in the ten, while someone else is on the way to it. Do these friends have to somehow manifest themselves in relation to others, or should it be only their internal attitude?

Answer: In the ten, it is necessary to constantly cultivate rapprochement between friends and not hide it.

There are friends who do not understand at all why getting closer to each other is necessary. By the way, those who have great egoism will go further and higher, as it is said: “Everyone who is greater than his friend, his inclination is greater.”

He will need a lot of time and effort to correct himself, but he will rise above the rest. Therefore we cannot calculate who is better or who is worse, but only in comparison with what is at the moment. Inside the ten, everyone has to take care of everyone.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/02/23, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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