Think More about Love

294.4Question: I have a desire to love, and when I come to the point where I can express this love, a strong fear appears and I feel I am afraid to love. Why does this fear appear?

Answer: Fear appears from the fact that you are afraid that you will not get an answer. But the fact is that we always get an answer.

The most important thing is not even an answer, but the fact that we have a question to the Creator, some kind of appeal to Him. Basically, this is what the Creator awakens in us.

Question: How do you tear yourself away from fear in order to go toward love?

Answer: Think more about love, and you will see that gradually the fear disappears. It is necessary only in order to further develop love.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Joy with Trembling”

Related Material:
Awe and Love
Spiritual Fear Cannot Be Without Love
Anatomy Of Fear And Love

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