The Main Thing Is the Work in Thoughts

198Question: How can one remain a part of society, work, serve in the army, have a family, and on the other hand, be in a group of people developing altruistic values?

How can you be connected with everyone but isolated in your thoughts? Is there any methodology or advice?

Answer: Perhaps nothing special is needed here. You have to study, work, have a family, try to provide for yourself and your children like everyone else in this world. Kabbalists also work and do the same things as others: they serve in the army, take care of their family, and so on.

But at the same time, they are engaged in Kabbalah and begin to understand why everything is arranged around us in this way, what the forces of nature want from us, where we are headed, and what we are developing toward. The science of Kabbalah is given so one can understand our world better.

Therefore, the main job of a person studying Kabbalah is work in thoughts. After all, how long can he be in a group of like-minded people? An hour or two a day. At best, attend the lesson. The rest of the time he is alone with himself.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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