Why Is It so Difficult to Work for Bestowal?

559Question: Why is it so difficult to work for bestowal, and how can this action be made easier in spiritual work?

Answer: To work for bestowal is not only difficult, it is impossible. This property does not exist in us at all; so talking about it is like saying, “Fly like a bird.” What can we do? Still work for bestowal.

Despite the fact that we do not have such a property, which we could turn on in order to work for bestowal, it is formed under the influence of the upper light, and we must come to this through the group.

Question: Does our methodology make this work easier?

Answer: It not only makes it easier, but directs, explains, and strengthens us. The methodology is everything.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/12/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is Peace in the Work?“

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