Questions about Spiritual Work—30

259.02Question: Do we fulfill the Torah out of darkness or out of a desire for light? What is the difference?

Answer: Try to create connections between all the elements of creation, and you will see how close you are to fulfilling them. That is when you will feel if you are in the light or the dark.

Question: How do we resolve the eternal conflict between the evil inclination and the need to work for the sake of the heavens?

Answer: To do this, we are given a ten, a group, in which we are and with which we can get out of our own egoism. Get more involved in each other and see how much strength you have to move forward.

Question: How can we come to the feeling of darkness if we lack Kelim of bestowal?

Answer: You should feel from your efforts what you lack and pray that you will have Kelim of bestowal.

Question: How can we receive strength and mind from the Creator only for the formation of the soul and not ask egoistically for ourselves?

Answer: Only by doing good for the group to unite them even more.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/13/23, Writings of Rabash “What Does It Mean that the Torah Was Given Out of the Darkness in the Work?“

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